我在Visual Studio Community 2015中建立了一個骰子滾動模擬器,並且遇到了奇怪的故障。我可以通過隨機數得到底部值,甚至可以得到骰子的相反頂端值。
我的問題是,有時當獲得骰子正面的值時,它會給出與頂部或底部相同的數字。 我沒有被編碼太久,但我會假設我已經輸入的嵌套if語句強制將前面的骰子邊值再次「提取」,如果該值與頂部或底部的值相同。骰子模擬器hickup
在代碼中試圖確定骰子正面值的部分,它好像忽略了嵌套的「if」語句。 我已經運行該程序,並且每調用一次它就會拋出一個值,我嘗試過濾掉。上面值爲1或6的卷不會引起問題,只有當我需要它重新打印數字2到5時纔會發生問題。
//Dice Facings
//This is a list of all of the possible dice facings on a 6-sided dice (also know as a D6)
//Array Structure: Top/Right/Back/Front/Left/Bottom
int[,] DiceCombos = {
{1,2,3,4,5,6}, {1,4,2,5,3,6}, {1,5,4,3,2,6}, {1,3,5,2,4,6},
{2,6,3,4,1,5}, {2,3,1,6,4,5}, {2,1,4,3,6,5}, {2,4,6,1,3,5},
{3,2,6,1,5,4}, {3,1,2,5,6,4}, {3,5,1,6,2,4}, {3,6,5,2,1,4},
{4,2,1,6,5,3}, {4,1,5,2,6,3}, {4,5,6,1,2,3}, {4,6,2,5,1,3},
{5,1,3,4,6,2}, {5,3,6,1,4,2}, {5,6,4,3,1,2}, {5,4,1,6,3,2},
{6,5,4,3,2,1}, {6,4,2,5,3,1}, {6,2,3,4,5,1}, {6,3,5,2,4,1}
//To be able to use this information, once the dice are rolled.
//Need a way to determine how the dice landed (facing wise). To do this we run a random number from 1-6 against the Front value of the dice.
//Once a matching number is found for the FSide (Front Side) value,
//the program will look up the facing in a built in database (tiny one as you can tell here).
//Say the value of Rolled = 4 (BoSide) and through random number generation, the value of FSide = 2.
//Then the program would know that LSide (Left Side) = 1 and RSide (Right Side) = 6
// Get the Top Facing side based on the value of BoSide
// Get a Random number for the Front Facing side.
//Example of how to show facing based on strength of the roll
// Soft roll
// NOFaces==3 ; number of times to show a top number (3rd value = final)
// Generate random number between 1-6: Pass to BoSide and get TSide value. Show TSide value.
// Repeat two more times, the final time being the value the dice ends up on.
//Variables to think about when the dice are rolling.
//When rolling the dice to the right the numbers roll from the front and from the left
//When rolling the dice to the left the numbers roll from the front and from the right
//Giving the dice a backspin causes the numbers to roll back a tick or two before rolling forward
// Soft roll: First facing goes from the back to the front.
// Regular roll: First 2 facings go backwards.
// Hard roll: Up to 5 facings go backwards.
//On each "tick" of a roll check these things...
//Faces; where are the numbers located on the dice.
//Direction; which numbers will be checked for this time.
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Basic check for Bottom Facing side of dice
Random rnd = new Random();
int BoSide = new int();
int TopSide = new int();
BoSide = rnd.Next(1, 6 + 1);
// Get the value for TopSide
if (BoSide == 1) { TopSide = 6;}
if (BoSide == 2) { TopSide = 5;}
if (BoSide == 3) { TopSide = 4;}
if (BoSide == 4) { TopSide = 3;}
if (BoSide == 5) { TopSide = 2;}
if (BoSide == 6) { TopSide = 1;}
//Get the value for FSide
int FSide = new int();
if (TopSide == 1)
FSide = rnd.Next(2, 5 + 1);
if (TopSide == 2)
FSide = rnd.Next(1, 6 + 1);
if (FSide == 2)
FSide = rnd.Next(1, 6 + 1);
if (FSide == 5)
FSide = rnd.Next(1, 6 + 1);
if (TopSide == 3)
FSide = rnd.Next(1, 6 + 1);
if (FSide == 3)
FSide = rnd.Next(1, 6 + 1);
if (FSide == 4)
FSide = rnd.Next(1, 6 + 1);
if (TopSide == 4)
FSide = rnd.Next(1, 6 + 1);
if (FSide == 3)
FSide = rnd.Next(1, 6 + 1);
if (FSide == 4)
FSide = rnd.Next(1, 6 + 1);
if (TopSide == 5)
FSide = rnd.Next(1, 6 + 1);
if (FSide == 5)
FSide = rnd.Next(1, 6 + 1);
if (FSide == 2)
FSide = rnd.Next(1, 6 + 1);
if (TopSide == 6)
FSide = rnd.Next(2, 5 + 1);
// Get the Left, Back and Right Side Numbers
int RSide = new int();
int LSide = new int();
int BSide = new int();
if (TopSide == 1)
if (FSide == 2)
RSide = 3; BSide = 5; LSide = 4;
if (FSide == 3)
RSide = 5; BSide = 4; LSide = 2;
if (FSide == 4)
RSide = 2; BSide = 3; LSide = 5;
if (FSide == 5)
RSide = 4; BSide = 2; LSide = 3;
if (TopSide == 2)
if (FSide == 1)
RSide = 4; BSide = 6; LSide = 3;
if (FSide == 3)
RSide = 1; BSide = 4; LSide = 6;
if (FSide == 4)
RSide = 6; BSide = 3; LSide = 1;
if (FSide == 6)
RSide = 3; BSide = 1; LSide = 4;
if (TopSide == 3)
if (FSide == 1)
RSide = 2; BSide = 6; LSide = 5;
if (FSide == 2)
RSide = 6; BSide = 5; LSide = 1;
if (FSide == 5)
RSide = 1; BSide = 2; LSide = 6;
if (FSide == 6)
RSide = 5; BSide = 1; LSide = 2;
if (TopSide == 4)
if (FSide == 1)
RSide = 5; BSide = 6; LSide = 2;
if (FSide == 2)
RSide = 1; BSide = 5; LSide = 6;
if (FSide == 5)
RSide = 6; BSide = 2; LSide = 1;
if (FSide == 6)
RSide = 5; BSide = 1; LSide = 2;
if (TopSide == 5)
if (FSide == 1)
RSide = 3; BSide = 6; LSide = 4;
if (FSide == 3)
RSide = 6; BSide = 4; LSide = 1;
if (FSide == 4)
RSide = 1; BSide = 3; LSide = 6;
if (FSide == 6)
RSide = 4; BSide = 1; LSide = 3;
if (TopSide == 6)
if (FSide == 2)
RSide = 3; BSide = 5; LSide = 4;
if (FSide == 3)
RSide = 5; BSide = 4; LSide = 2;
if (FSide == 4)
RSide = 2; BSide = 3; LSide = 5;
if (FSide == 5)
RSide = 4; BSide = 2; LSide = 3;
// Show Values
label5.Text = Convert.ToString(BoSide);
label17.Text = Convert.ToString(BoSide);
label7.Text = Convert.ToString(TopSide);
label26.Text = Convert.ToString(TopSide);
label14.Text = Convert.ToString(FSide);
label28.Text = Convert.ToString(FSide);
label15.Text = Convert.ToString(LSide);
label13.Text = Convert.ToString(BSide);
label12.Text = Convert.ToString(RSide);