sh -c $POSTGRESbin'psql -U '$POSTGRESuser' -h localhost -d '$POSTGRESdb' -c "select preview from '$fildCatalog' where preview <>'nodata' and id_registro in (select distinct(id_record) from e3_article_items where id_catalog=2101 and id_article in (select id_article from document_articles where id_document in(select distinct(id_document) from p3_logical_pages where id_logical_page in (select id_logical_page from p3_flatplan_pages where id_edition=1536 and id_logical_page is not null order by cast(pagenumber as numeric)))));"' > $queryFolder$highFile"_"$previewFile;
ERROR: column "nodata" does not exist
LINE 1: select preview from XT_FIJOS where preview <>nodata and id_r...
謝謝! ^
謝謝,但我試圖用「......」和它的同一個問題: LINE 1:... LECT預覽從XT_HOUSE_PHOTOS其中預覽<>‘無數據’一... ^ 待辦事項你知道任何方式來「逃避」引用'...'? 謝謝 – jask
@jask:我的答案現在包含* should *版本。 – ruakh
是的,抱歉,我沒有看到它,但不起作用:(。現在出現:LINE 1:...從XT_HOUSE_PHOTOS預覽<>「nodata」... lect預覽... – jask