Public Class SmartMenuItem
Inherits ToolStripMenuItem
Public Sub New(text As String)
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub OnPaint(e As PaintEventArgs)
Me.Enabled = MagicEnabledFunction()
Me.Checked = MagicCheckedFunction()
Me.Text = MagicTextFunction()
End Sub
End Class
通過重寫事件處理函數(而不是使用的AddHandler我。 Paint)您可以確定自定義代碼在基類處理繪製事件之前執行,這是更改顯示相關屬性的最佳機會,例如啓用,檢查,文本。
Public Class MenuItem
Inherits ToolStripMenuItem
Public Delegate Sub ClickDelegate()
Public Sub New(text As String, shortcut As Windows.Forms.Keys, clickCallback As ClickDelegate)
AddHandler Me.Click, Sub(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs)
If Me.enabledCallback Then
'NOTE: shortcut keys trigger the event even, if the item is not enabled; so check here to prevent their execution
End If
End Sub
If shortcut <> Keys.None Then
Me.ShortcutKeys = shortcut
Me.ShowShortcutKeys = True
End If
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub OnPaint(e As PaintEventArgs)
'Store the current Enabled state before painting
Dim _enabled As Boolean = Me.Enabled
'Set Enabled/Checked according to the callbacks
Me.Enabled = enabledCallback()
Me.Checked = checkedCallback()
'Paint the item
'Restore Enabled
Me.Enabled = _enabled
'- If the native Enabled-property is not disabled, then the mechanism above allows the item to always respond to shortcut keys.
'- In the lamda click handler (which is also called when a shortcut is used) the enabledCallback will be checked to verify
' that the clickCallback should really be executed.
'- This way, if the criteria for enabling/disabling the item (coded in enabledCallback) change, the shortcut keys will work as expected.
'- Otherwise the enabled state would only be refreshed on paint and, if enabledCallback() = false, then the shortcut keys could not
' be used (until the item is painted again).
'- Query Me.Enabled (or MyBase.enabledCallback) within the enabledCallback override to allow for enabling/disabling regardless of
' the criteria coded in the callback.
'- A similar mechanism for Checked is not implemented, assuming the property is only relevant for painting and is not queried anywhere else.
End Sub
Protected Overridable Function enabledCallback() As Boolean
Return Me.Enabled
End Function
Protected Overridable Function checkedCallback() As Boolean
Return Me.Checked
End Function
End Class
Public Class SelectionMenuItem
Inherits Wd.Menu.MenuItem
Public Sub New(text As String, shortCut As Windows.Forms.Keys, callback As MenuItem.ClickDelegate, minCount As Integer, Optional maxCount As Integer = 1000)
MyBase.New(text, shortCut, callback)
_minCount = minCount
_maxCount = maxCount
End Sub
Private _minCount As Integer
Private _maxCount As Integer
Protected Overrides Function enabledCallback() As Boolean
Return (Magic.Selection.Count >= _minCount) AndAlso (Magic.Selection.Count <= _maxCount)
End Function
End Class
我希望包括在上述的幫助代碼中的註釋解釋我是如何傳開了;現在還沒有時間詳細說明; o)
這是DropDownOpening。主知道你做了什麼來讓它「緩慢」。 MessageBox不是調試器。 – 2015-02-06 00:22:34
這種延遲是通過設計來防止子項目在您通過將鼠標拖動(懸停)在多個用戶所做的每個項目上瀏覽菜單時惱人地彈出。 – mike 2015-02-06 09:19:26
我不知道爲什麼這個問題被低估了......任何提示我做錯了什麼或有關如何防止反對票的建議都會很好。 – mike 2015-02-06 09:42:53