2017-01-06 100 views


public enum MyEnum 
    One, Two, Three 

public Dictionary<Enum, string> dict = new Dictionary<Enum, string>(); 

public void Test() 
    this.dict.Add(MyEnum.One, "One"); 
    this.dict.Add(MyEnum.Two, "Two"); 
    this.dict.Add(MyEnum.Three, "Three"); 

    string result; 
    this.dict.TryGetValue(MyEnum.Two, out result); // <-- memory alocation :-(

您的字典聲明中是否有拼寫錯誤?你的枚舉是'MyEnum',但你的字典是'Dictionary ' – maccettura


爲什麼你的字典類型是''而不是''? –


因爲我的字典存儲在ma基類中,並且Iam每次都使用不同的枚舉將其填充到派生類中 – MrIncognito



在評論中看到您的示例,並且這是針對Unity的,請觀看this clip from Unite 2016。它討論使用腳本對象而不是字典鍵的枚舉。


public class Program 
    protected Dictionary<ScriptableObject, string> dict = new Dictionary<ScriptableObject, string>(); 

public class ProgramChild1 : Program 
    public void Test() 
     dict.Add(MyEnum1.One.Instance, "One"); 
     dict.Add(MyEnum1.Two.Instance, "Two"); 
     dict.Add(MyEnum1.Three.Instance, "Three"); 
     string result; 
     dict.TryGetValue(MyEnum1.Two.Instance, out result); 

public class ProgramChild2 : Program 

    public void Test() 
     dict.Add(MyEnum2.Four.Instance, "One"); 
     dict.Add(MyEnum2.Five.Instance, "Two"); 
     dict.Add(MyEnum2.Six.Instance, "Three"); 
     string result; 
     dict.TryGetValue(MyEnum2.Five.Instance, out result); 

//Each class goes in to its own .cs file, Put them in two folders `MyEnum1` and `MyEnum2` 
namespace MyEnum1 
    public class One : ScriptableObject 
     private static One _inst; 
     public static One Instance 
       if (!_inst) 
        _inst = Resources.FindObjectOfType<One>(); 
       if (!_inst) 
        _inst = CreateInstance<One>(); 
       return _inst; 

namespace MyEnum1 
    public class Two : ScriptableObject 
     private static Two _inst; 
     public static Two Instance 
       if (!_inst) 
        _inst = Resources.FindObjectOfType<Two>(); 
       if (!_inst) 
        _inst = CreateInstance<Two>(); 
       return _inst; 

namespace MyEnum1 
    public class Three : ScriptableObject 
     private static Three _inst; 
     public static Three Instance 
       if (!_inst) 
        _inst = Resources.FindObjectOfType<Three>(); 
       if (!_inst) 
        _inst = CreateInstance<Three>(); 
       return _inst; 

namespace MyEnum2 
    public class Four : ScriptableObject 
     private static Four_inst; 
     public static Four Instance 
       if (!_inst) 
        _inst = Resources.FindObjectOfType<Four>(); 
       if (!_inst) 
        _inst = CreateInstance<Four>(); 
       return _inst; 

namespace MyEnum2 
    public class Five : ScriptableObject 
     private static Five _inst; 
     public static Five Instance 
       if (!_inst) 
        _inst = Resources.FindObjectOfType<Five>(); 
       if (!_inst) 
        _inst = CreateInstance<Five>(); 
       return _inst; 

namespace MyEnum2 
    public class Six : ScriptableObject 
     private static Six _inst; 
     public static Six Instance 
       if (!_inst) 
        _inst = Resources.FindObjectOfType<Six>(); 
       if (!_inst) 
        _inst = CreateInstance<Six>(); 
       return _inst; 


public class ProgramChild2 : Program 
    public ScriptableObject SelectedValue; 
    public void Test() 
     dict.Add(MyEnum2.Four.Instance, "One"); 
     dict.Add(MyEnum2.Five.Instance, "Two"); 
     dict.Add(MyEnum2.Six.Instance, "Three"); 
     string result; 
     dict.TryGetValue(SelectedValue, out result); 