2014-03-06 60 views






function Get-PublicKey 
    PARAM (

    if (-Not ($uri.Scheme -eq "https")) 
     Write-Error "You can only get keys for https addresses" 

    $request = [System.Net.HttpWebRequest]::Create($uri) 

     #Make the request but ignore (dispose it) the response, since we only care about the service point 
    catch [System.Net.WebException] 
     if ($_.Exception.Status -eq [System.Net.WebExceptionStatus]::TrustFailure) 
      #We ignore trust failures, since we only want the certificate, and the service point is still populated at this point 
      #Let other exceptions bubble up, or write-error the exception and return from this method 

    #The ServicePoint object should now contain the Certificate for the site. 
    $servicePoint = $request.ServicePoint 
    $key = $servicePoint.Certificate.GetPublicKey() 
    Write-Output $key 

Get-PublicKey -Uri "https://www.bing.com" 
Get-PublicKey -Uri "https://www.facebook.com" 



令人驚歎的解釋。 謝謝你的時間:-) – RafaMarrara



function Get-WebsiteCertificate { 
    param (
    [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [System.Uri] 
    [Parameter()] [System.IO.FileInfo] 
    [Parameter()] [Switch] 
    [Parameter()] [Switch] 
    [Parameter()] [Switch] 
    try { 
    $request = [System.Net.WebRequest]::Create($Uri) 
    if ($UseSystemProxy) { 
     $request.Proxy = [System.Net.WebRequest]::DefaultWebProxy 

    if ($UseSystemProxy -and $UseDefaultCredentials) { 
     $request.Proxy.Credentials = [System.Net.CredentialCache]::DefaultNetworkCredentials 

    if ($TrustAllCertificates) { 
     # Create a compilation environment 
     $Provider=New-Object Microsoft.CSharp.CSharpCodeProvider 
     $Params=New-Object System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerParameters 
     $Params.ReferencedAssemblies.Add("System.DLL") > $null 
     [email protected]' 
     namespace Local.ToolkitExtensions.Net.CertificatePolicy { 
      public class TrustAll : System.Net.ICertificatePolicy { 
      public TrustAll() { 
      public bool CheckValidationResult(System.Net.ServicePoint sp, 
       System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate cert, 
       System.Net.WebRequest req, int problem) { 
       return true; 

     ## We now create an instance of the TrustAll and attach it to the ServicePointManager 

    $response = $request.GetResponse() 
    $servicePoint = $request.ServicePoint 
    $certificate = $servicePoint.Certificate 

    if ($OutputFile) { 
     $certBytes = $certificate.Export(
     [System.IO.File]::WriteAllBytes($OutputFile, $certBytes) 
     return $OutputFile 
    } else { 
     return $certificate 
    } catch { 
    Write-Error "Failed to get website certificate. The error was '$_'." 
    return $null 

     Retrieves the certificate used by a website. 

     Retrieves the certificate used by a website. Returns either an object or file. 

     The URL of the website. This should start with https. 

    .PARAMETER OutputFile 
     Specifies what file to save the certificate as. 

    .PARAMETER UseSystemProxy 
     Whether or not to use the system proxy settings. 

    .PARAMETER UseDefaultCredentials 
     Whether or not to use the system logon credentials for the proxy. 

    .PARAMETER TrustAllCertificates 
     Ignore certificate errors for certificates that are expired, have a mismatched common name or are self signed. 

     PS C:\> Get-WebsiteCertificate "https://www.gmail.com" -UseSystemProxy -UseDefaultCredentials -TrustAllCertificates -OutputFile C:\gmail.cer 

     Does not accept pipeline input. 

     System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate, System.IO.FileInfo 

function Import-Certificate { 
     Imports certificate in specified certificate store. 

     Imports certificate in specified certificate store. 

    .PARAMETER CertFile 
     The certificate file to be imported. 

    .PARAMETER StoreNames 
     The certificate store(s) in which the certificate should be imported. 

    .PARAMETER LocalMachine 
     Using the local machine certificate store to import the certificate 

    .PARAMETER CurrentUser 
     Using the current user certificate store to import the certificate 

    .PARAMETER CertPassword 
     The password which may be used to protect the certificate file 

     PS C:\> Import-Certificate C:\Temp\myCert.cer 

     Imports certificate file myCert.cer into the current users personal store 

     PS C:\> Import-Certificate -CertFile C:\Temp\myCert.cer -StoreNames my 

     Imports certificate file myCert.cer into the current users personal store 

     PS C:\> Import-Certificate -Cert $certificate -StoreNames my -StoreType LocalMachine 

     Imports the certificate stored in $certificate into the local machines personal store 

     PS C:\> Import-Certificate -Cert $certificate -SN my -ST Machine 

     Imports the certificate stored in $certificate into the local machines personal store using alias names 

     PS C:\> ls cert:\currentUser\TrustedPublisher | Import-Certificate -ST Machine -SN TrustedPublisher 

     Copies the certificates found in current users TrustedPublishers store to local machines TrustedPublisher using alias 

     System.String|System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2, System.String, System.String 


     NAME:  Import-Certificate 
     AUTHOR: Patrick Sczepanksi (Original anti121) 
     VERSION: 20110502 
     #Requires -Version 2.0 
     http://poshcode.org/1937 (Link to original script) 


     [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true,Mandatory=$true, Position=0, ParameterSetName="CertFile")] 

     [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true,Mandatory=$true, Position=0, ParameterSetName="Cert")] 

     [string[]] $StoreNames = "My", 

     [string]$StoreType = "CurrentUser", 

     [string] $CertPassword 


     switch ($pscmdlet.ParameterSetName) { 
      "CertFile" { 
       try { 
        $Cert = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2 $($CertFile.FullName),$CertPassword 
       catch { 
        Write-Error ("Error reading '$CertFile': $_ .") -ErrorAction:Continue 
      "Cert" { 

      default { 
       Write-Error "Missing parameter:`nYou need to specify either a certificate or a certificate file name." 

     switch -regex ($storeType) { 
      "Machine$" { $StoreScope = "LocalMachine" } 
      "User$" { $StoreScope = "CurrentUser" } 

     if ($Cert) { 
      $StoreNames | ForEach-Object { 
       $StoreName = $_ 
       Write-Verbose " [Import-Certificate] :: $($Cert.Subject) ($($Cert.Thumbprint))" 
       Write-Verbose " [Import-Certificate] :: Import into cert:\$StoreScope\$StoreName" 

       if (Test-Path "cert:\$StoreScope\$StoreName") { 
         $store = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Store $StoreName, $StoreScope 
         if ($CertFile) { 
          Write-Verbose " [Import-Certificate] :: Successfully added '$CertFile' to 'cert:\$StoreScope\$StoreName'." 
         } else { 
          Write-Verbose " [Import-Certificate] :: Successfully added '$($Cert.Subject) ($($Cert.Thumbprint))' to 'cert:\$StoreScope\$StoreName'." 
         Write-Error ("Error adding '$($Cert.Subject) ($($Cert.Thumbprint))' to 'cert:\$StoreScope\$StoreName': $_ .") -ErrorAction:Continue 
        if ($store) { 
       else { 
        Write-Warning "Certificate store '$StoreName' does not exist. Skipping..." 
     } else { 
      Write-Warning "No certificates found." 

    end { 
     Write-Host "Finished importing certificates." 


##Import self-signed certificate 
Get-WebsiteCertificate $baseUrl local.cer -trust | Out-Null 
Import-Certificate -certfile local.cer -SN Root | Out-Null 

謝謝你的時間:-) – RafaMarrara



$webRequest = [Net.WebRequest]::Create("https://www.outlook.com") 
try { $webRequest.GetResponse() } catch {} 
$cert = $webRequest.ServicePoint.Certificate 
$bytes = $cert.Export([Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ContentType]::Cert) 
set-content -value $bytes -encoding byte -path "$pwd\Outlook.Com.cer" 



Nit:Powershell很高興地將字符串轉換爲枚舉成員,所以'$ cert.Export(「Cert」)'是一個有效的寫入。 – zneak