- 突破的話
- 突破HTML
我周圍到處尋找一個答案,但唯一的選擇,我可以找到SO建議剝離所有HTML - 這是不是一個選項...
$string = "<div class='some-class'>Deasdadlights blasdasde holysadsdto <span>Bri<img src='#'>cable holystone blow the man down</span></div>";
$length = strlen($string);
// At this point, something magical needs to split the string being mindful of word breaks and html
$pieces = array(
substr($string, 0, ($length/2)),
substr($string, ($length/2), $length)
echo $pieces[0] . " **Something** " . $pieces[1];
// <div class="some-class">Deasdadlights blasdasde holysadsdto <spa **something**="" n="">Bri<img src="#">cable holystone blow the man down</spa></div>
// And there goes the <span> tag :'(
$string = '
<section class="post_content">
<p>Often half the battle is ensuring you get the time to respond to your reviews, the other half is remembering that the customer is always right and you should proceed with caution.</p>
<p>Some simple principles to keep in mind are to be <strong>positive</strong>, <strong>humble</strong>, <strong>helpful</strong>, and <strong>enthusiastic</strong>.</p>
<p>Some simple principles to keep in mind are to be <strong>positive</strong>, <strong>humble</strong>, <strong>helpful</strong>, and <strong>enthusiastic</strong>.</p>
$dom = new DOMDocument();
$dom->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
$dom->loadHTML($string); // $string is the block page full/part html
$xpath = new DOMXPath($dom);
$obj = $xpath->query('//section[@class="post_content"]'); // assume this is the container div that where you want to inject
$nodes = $obj->item(0)->childNodes;
$half = $nodes->length/2;
$i = 0;
foreach($nodes as $node) {
if ($i === $half) {
echo "<div class='insert'></div>";
echo $node->ownerDocument->saveHTML($node);
$i ++;