2017-05-14 77 views



      $sql= mysql_query("SELECT KodeMapel,NamaTema FROM mapel"); 
      while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) 
       $tema[] = array("KodeMapel" => $row['KodeMapel'], "val" => $row['NamaTema']); 

      $query = mysql_query("SELECT KodeMapel, Subtema FROM subtema"); 

      while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($query)) 
       $subtema[$row['KodeMapel']][] = array("KodeMapel" => $row['KodeMapel'], "val" => $row['Subtema']); 

      $jsonTema = json_encode($tema); 
      $jsonSubTema = json_encode($subtema); 


<script type='text/javascript'> 
    echo "var tema = $jsonTema;"; 
    echo "var subtema = $jsonSubTema;"; 
    function loadtema(){ 
    var select = document.getElementById("PilihTema"); 
    select.onchange = updateSubTema; 
    for(var i = 0; i < tema.length; i++){ 
     select.options[i] = new Option(tema[i].val,tema[i].KodeMapel);   
    function updateSubTema(){ 
    var PilihTema = this; 
    var idtema = this.value; 
    var PilihSubtema = document.getElementById("PilihSubtema"); 
    PilihSubtema.options.length = 0; //delete all options if any present 
    for(var i = 0; i < subtema[idtema].length; i++){ 
     PilihSubtema.options[i] = new Option(subtema[idtema][i].val,subtema[idtema][i].KodeMapel); 
<body onload='loadtema()'> 
<select id='PilihTema' name='PilihTema' class='form-control11'> 

<select id='PilihSubtema' name='PilihSubtema' class='form-control11'> 
<button input class="btn btn-success" id="submit" type="submit" name="add" value="Simpan" onclick="return(submitmapel());"/> 
    <i class="fa fa-save fa-fw"></i> Simpan 




select.onchange = updateSubTema; 

您缺少()該函數。應該是select.onchange = updateSubTema();

我不確定var PilihTema = this;實際上是否會選擇任何東西,我個人會按照以下方式進行操作。


var select = document.getElementById("PilihTema"); 
select.onchange = updateSubTema(select.value); 


function updateTema(pilihTema){ 
    //Your code here 


    echo "var tema = $jsonTema;"; 
    echo "var subtema = $jsonSubTema;"; 

    //Load Tema 
    $.each(tema, function (i, item) { 
    //I am unsure as to what you mean by KodeMapel, though if this is associative arrays encoded as JSON, you will want to use item[val] and item[KodeMapel] 
    $("#PilihTema").append(new Option(item.val, item.KodeMapel)); 

    //Called when the first select field is changed. 
    //Get value of first select fields' selected item 
    var pilihValue = $("#PilihTema option:checked").val(); 

    //Remove all the options from the second select field 

    //For each subtema, with first select fields value, add option to second select field 
    $.each(subtema[pilihValue], function (i, item) { 
     //Again, I am unsure as to what you mean by KodeMapel, though if this is associative arrays encoded as JSON, you will want to use item[val] and item[KodeMapel] 
     $("#PilihSubtema").append(new Option(item.val, item.KodeMapel)); 



@skobaljic好的,沒有後顧之憂,刪除。沒想到實際上有效。 –


謝謝你的回覆。當我嘗試添加()並刪除var這個時,組合框沒有任何顯示。 –


@ graybullet171通過combobox,你的意思是選擇下拉? –