2017-04-12 32 views




//Lets call the CustomerInfo the Aggregate Root 
public class CustomerInfo { 
    /* Other properties removed, to simplify question */ 

    public List<Entry> Entries { get; set; } 



讓事情變得複雜。 的實體飾品ThatThingThisThingTheOtherThing都具有相同的特性,但在該領域的背景下它們的含義是非常不同的。


public class Entry 
    public Guid EntryId { get; set; } 

    /* Other properties removed, to simplify question */ 

    public List<Widget> Widget { get; set; } 

    public List<Trinket> Trinkets { get; set; } 
    public List<ThatThing> ThatThings { get; set; } 
    public List<ThisThing> ThisThings { get; set; } 
    public List<TheOtherThing> TheOtherThings { get; set; } 

public class Widget 
    public Guid Widgetid { get; private set; } 
    public string Name { get; private set; } 

    public int Size { get; set; } 
    public string Color { get; set; } 

public class Trinket 
    public Guid Trinketid { get; private set; } 
    public decimal Cost { get; private set; } 
    public Construction Construction { get; private set; } 

public class ThatThing 
    public Guid ThatThingid { get; private set; } 
    public decimal Cost { get; private set; } 
    public Construction Construction { get; private set; } 

public class ThisThing 
    public Guid ThisThingid { get; private set; } 
    public decimal Cost { get; private set; } 
    public Construction Construction { get; private set; } 

public class TheOtherThing 
    public Guid TheOtherThingId { get; private set; } 
    public string Name { get; private set; } 
    public Construction Construction { get; private set; } 

public class Construction : ValueObject<Construction> 
    public int Size { get; private set; } 
    public string Weight { get; private set; } 
    public string Unit { get; private set; } 
    public string Form { get; private set; } 




public interface IWidget{ 
     public Guid Widgetid { get; set; } 


public interface IDifferentWidget:IWidget 

    public decimal Cost { get; set; } 
    public Construction Construction { get; set; } 

public class Widget:IWidget 
    public Guid WidgetId { get; private set; } 
    public string Name { get; private set; } 

    public int Size { get; set; } 
    public string Color { get; set; } 

public class Trinket : IDifferentWidget 
    public Guid WidgetId { get; private set; } 
    public decimal Cost { get; private set; } 
    public Construction Construction { get; private set; } 

public class ThatThing : IDifferentWidget 
    public Guid WidgetId { get; private set; } 
    public decimal Cost { get; private set; } 
    public Construction Construction { get; private set; } 

public class ThisThing : IDifferentWidget 
    public Guid WidgetId { get; private set; } 
    public decimal Cost { get; private set; } 
    public Construction Construction { get; private set; } 

public class TheOtherThing : IDifferentWidget 
    public Guid WidgetId { get; private set; } 
    public decimal Cost { get; private set; } 
    public Construction Construction { get; private set; } 


public class Entry 
    public Guid EntryId { get; set; } 

    /* Other properties removed, to simplify question */ 

    public List<IWidget> Widgets { get; set; } 



//Lets call the CustomerInfo the Aggregate Root 
public class CustomerInfo { 
/* Other properties removed, to simplify question */ 

    public List<IEntry> Entries { get; set; } 




/******************************* REVISED DOMAIN DESIGN *********** ************/


//Lets call the CustomerInfo the Aggregate Root 
public class CustomerInfo { 

    public Guid CustomerId { get; private set; } 

    private List<Entry> _entries; 
    public IEnumerable<Entry> Entries => _entries; 

    private CustomerInfo(Guid customerId /* Other properties removed, to 
    simplify question */){ } 

    public CustomerInfo Create(/* Other properties removed, to simplify 
           question  */) { 
    return new CustomerInfo(Guid.NewGuid()); 

    /*This is how the entity will control the state of the various lists of 
    entities that describe it.*/ 
    public Entry UpdateEntry(/* Parameters removed for simplicity */) { 


    public Entry AddEntry(/* Parameters removed for simplicity */) { 


    public Entry RemoveEntry(/* Parameters removed for simplicity */) { 


public class Entry { 
    public Guid EntryId { get; set; } 

    /* Other properties removed, to simplify question */ 
    private List<Widget> _widgets; 
    public IEnumerable<Widget> Widgets => _widgets; 

    private List<Trinket> _trinkets; 
    public IEnumerable<Trinket> Trinkets => _trinkets; 

    private List<ThatThing> _thatThing; 
    public IEnumerable<ThatThing> ThatThings => _thatThing; 

    private List<ThisThing> _thisThings; 
    public IEnumerable<ThisThing> ThisThings => _thisThings; 

    private List<TheOtherThing> _theOtherThing; 
    public IEnumerable<TheOtherThing> TheOtherThings => _theOtherThing; 

    private Entry(guid EntryId /*This constructor will take more parameters,   
    it's simplified for my question*/) { } 

    //Create a new instance of a Entry entity 
    public Entry Create(/* Parameters removed for simplicity */) { 
     return new Entry(Guid.NewGuid()); 

    //This is how the entity will control the state of the various lists of   
    entities that describe it. 
    public Widget UpdateWidget() { 


    public Widget AddWidget() { 


    public Widget RemoveWidget() { 


    private bool CanAddAWidget() { 
     /* Logic to prevent a widget from being add if any of the other   
      lists have items*/ 

    public ThisThing UpdateThisThing() 


    public ThisThing AddThisThing() 


    public ThisThing RemoveThisThing() 


    private bool CanAddAThisThing() 
    /* Logic to prevent a widget from being add if any of the other lists  
    have items*/ 


這個問題更適合http://codereview.stackexchange.com/嗎? – VoiceOfUnreason


你就是在描述一個名爲Table per Concrete Type(TPC)的EF繼承模型。您可以在基類中定義類繼承和共享代碼,但每個類實際上都由其自己的數據庫表(共享模式被複制到每個表中)支持。如果你想了解更多關於它的信息:https://weblogs.asp.net/manavi/inheritance-mapping-strategies-with-entity-framework-code-first-ctp5-part-3-table-per-concrete-type -tpc-和選擇策略的指南。 –


嗨,佩德羅,你可以把它應用到TPC,但那不是我的問題。數據持久性在這裏不是問題。我只是專注於域建模,但感謝您的輸入..非常感謝! – GregL



問題是你還沒有設計一個合適的Aggregate root - 戰術Domain driven design模式。

在你的情況下,Entry應該是一個確保自己的不變量的Aggregate root。我確定的不變量是Entry不應該只有一種Thing添加到其內部列表。所以,你的代碼應該反映這種不變性。

話雖這麼說,在Entry應該有一個事物的私人列表中,成爲單獨的列表,或只是一個混合列表,根據列表/列表的使用來實現。這將阻止客戶端代碼在沒有任何驗證的情況下將項目添加到列表中。然後Aggregate應該有一個addThing公共方法(用您的Ubiquitous language更正確的名稱替換該名稱)。該方法必須驗證所述不變量並拒絕任何重複。



康斯坦丁感謝您的意見!用修改後的域模型更新了我的問題。你會發現現在一個「Entry」完全控制了Widgets和「Things」列表......你怎麼看?就SOLID而言,在「數據表示」方面,這些實體的方式與「類似於PrintJob或Scheduler類」的實體類型相反。我想我可以說他們大多是CRUD操作。我確實有一些功能,但主要是在「Entry」類中...... Entry類中將使用「Widget」和「Things」實體來幫助進行計算,但事實就是如此。 – GregL


@GregL這更像它!請記住,聚合不允許其狀態變爲無效。他們通過將可變屬性設置爲'private'並通過仔細選擇訪問這些屬性的命名方法來確保這一點。 –


謝謝先生!非常高興有一個社區來反彈想法!我發現轉變爲這種思維方式並偏離「以數據爲中心」的實體是具有挑戰性的,但我發現我確實喜歡以這種方式進行設計! – GregL




class Dog: IMamal { 


class Cat: IMamal { 

interface IMamal : IAnimal { 


class Chicken : IAnimal { 




如果你的域名真的這樣描述它,那麼多態性應該只會出現。如果我以我的動物爲例,一個Mamal可能有一個Walk()方法,而一個Bird可能有一個Fly()方法和一個Hop()方法(如果一個birt不飛) 可能沒有多態Move()方法由於沒有生物學家會描述動物的動作,他們總是稱它爲步行或飛行(這裏只是爲了爭論,它應該是領域專家,他描述的實體全都擁有「姓名」,而不是程序員看到「名稱」「標籤」和「描述」是相同類型的字段(正如Mike指出的那樣,巧合的合併是這裏要避免的)


謝謝巴達維亞,你最後一段確實幫助我思考了另一種方式......只是因爲「Entry」可能有一個Widgets列表或ThatThings列表,但兩者不是一個比「域模型」更重要的業務規則,概念。我的領域專家無法想出一個有意義的名字來將(飾品,ThatThing,ThisThing和TheOtherThings)歸類在一起,所以應該告訴我,儘管這些實體具有相同的「字段類型」和名稱,但它們實際上代表了不同的領域實體在這方面。 – GregL


我還想補充一點,強制類遵循通用接口可能很容易導致「巧合內聚」,其中不同類具有一些不應該存在的共同代碼。偶然的凝聚力被認爲是模塊中凝聚力最差的一種。 –