INIT:函數(){ VAR myDropzone =此; $('#div_breakfast_img_org_name')。append(); $('#div_breakfast_img_file_name')。append(); $('#breakfast_sequence')。val('');
if ('<?php echo count($bfImageArrayData) ?>')
<?php foreach ($bfImageArrayData as $bfImage) { ?>
var mockFile = {name: '<?php echo $bfImage['image_name']; ?>', sfn: '<?php echo base64_encode('/diet_image/' . $bfImage['image']); ?>', };
var thumbUrl = '<?php echo url('/'); ?>/uploads/diet_image/<?php echo $bfImage['image']; ?>';
// Call the default addedfile event handler
myDropzone.emit("addedfile", mockFile);
// And optionally show the thumbnail of the file:
myDropzone.emit("thumbnail", mockFile, thumbUrl);
$(mockFile.previewElement).prop('id', '<?php echo $bfImage['image']; ?>');
<?php } ?>
// removed file event
myDropzone.on('removedfile', function (file) {
var sfnValue = file.sfn;
var filePath = '';
$.each($(file.xhr), function (key, val) {
filePath = $.parseJSON(val['response']).newFilename;
var fileName = file.name;
// To get file path value
var s = 0;
var filePathArray = new Array();
$('input[name^="breakfast_img_file_name"]').each(function() {//alert($(this).val());
filePathArray[s] = $(this).val();
// To get file original Name
var t = 0;
var fileNameArray = new Array();
$('input[name^="breakfast_img_ori_name"]').each(function() {//alert($(this).val());
fileNameArray[t] = $(this).val();
url: '/upload/remove-diet-image',
data: {sfn: file.sfn, id: '<?php echo $diet_subcategory_id_pk; ?>', type: 'diet-image', fileName: fileName, filePath: filePath, fileNameArray: fileNameArray, filePathArray: filePathArray, action: 'breakfast'},
}).done(function (result) {//console.log(result.filename);
result = $.parseJSON(result);
$('.box-footer').append('<div id="div_breakfast_img_org_name">' + result.filename + '</div>');
$('.box-footer').append('<div id="div_breakfast_img_file_name">' + result.filepath + '</div>');
$(mockFile.previewElement).prop('id','<?php echo $ bfImage ['image'];?>'); –
http://stackoverflow.com/questions/25050848/adding-image-id-to-each-image-in-preview-template-in-dropzone-js –
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