2017-06-02 179 views


我想知道還剩多少年(DD/M/Y)從今天起成爲50歲? 另一件事是關注標題應該高於結果的左側而不是結果的左側。下面 代碼爲這個腳本和以及有關這兩幅圖..

1st Picture (the Original)

2nd Picture (what I expect)

<!DOCTYPE html> 
<script type='text/javascript'> 

function wr_document() 
var w=new Date(); 
var s_d=w.getDate(); 
var s_m=w.getMonth()+1; 
var s_y=w.getFullYear(); 


function isNum(arg) 
var args = arg; 
if (args == "" || args == null || args.length == 0) 
return false; 
args = args.toString(); 
for (var i = 0; i<args.length; i++) 
if ((args.substring(i,i+1) < "0" || args.substring(i, i+1) > "9") && args.substring(i, i+1) != ".") 
return false; 
return true; 
function checkday(aa) 
var val = aa.value; 
var valc = val.substring(0,1); 
if(val.length>0 && val.length<3) 
if(!isNum(val) || val == 0) 
else if(val < 1 || val > 31) 
else if(val.length>2) 
val = val.substring(0, 2); 
function checkmon(aa) 
var val = aa.value; 
var valc = val.substring(0,1); 
if(val.length>0 && val.length<3) 
if(!isNum(val) || val == 0) 
else if(val < 1 || val > 12) 
else if(val.length>2) 
val = val.substring(0, 2); 
function checkyear(aa) 
var val = aa.value; 
var valc = val.substring(0,(val.length-1)); 
if(val.length>0 && val.length<7) 
if(!isNum(val) || val == 0) 
else if(val < 1 || val>275759) 
else if(val.length>4) 
function checkleapyear(datea) 
if(datea.getYear()%4 == 0) 
if(datea.getYear()% 10 != 0) 
return true; 
if(datea.getYear()% 400 == 0) 
return true; 
return false; 
return false; 
function DaysInMonth(Y, M) { 
with (new Date(Y, M, 1, 12)) { 
return getDate(); 
function datediff(date1, date2) { 
var y1 = date1.getFullYear(), m1 = date1.getMonth(), d1 = date1.getDate(), 
y2 = date2.getFullYear(), m2 = date2.getMonth(), d2 = date2.getDate(); 
if (d1 < d2) { 
d1 += DaysInMonth(y2, m2); 
if (m1 < m2) { 
m1 += 12; 
return [y1 - y2, m1 - m2, d1 - d2]; 
function calage() 
var curday = document.cir.len11.value; 
var curmon = document.cir.len12.value; 
var curyear = document.cir.len13.value; 
var calday = document.cir.len21.value; 
var calmon = document.cir.len22.value; 
var calyear = document.cir.len23.value; 
if(curday == "" || curmon=="" || curyear=="" || calday=="" || calmon=="" || calyear=="") 
alert("Please fill all the values and click 'Go'"); 
else if(curday == calday && curmon==calmon && curyear==calyear) 
alert("Today your birthday & Your age is 0 years old") 
var curd = new Date(curyear,curmon-1,curday); 
var cald = new Date(calyear,calmon-1,calday); 
var diff = Date.UTC(curyear,curmon,curday,0,0,0) 
- Date.UTC(calyear,calmon,calday,0,0,0); 
var dife = datediff(curd,cald); 
document.cir.val.value=dife[0]+" years, "+dife[1]+" months, and "+dife[2]+" days"; 
var secleft = diff/1000/60; 
document.cir.val3.value=secleft+" minutes since your birth"; 
var hrsleft = secleft/60; 
document.cir.val2.value=hrsleft+" hours since your birth"; 
var daysleft = hrsleft/24; 
document.cir.val1.value=daysleft+" days since your birth"; 
var as = parseInt(calyear)+dife[0]+1; 
var diff = Date.UTC(as,calmon,calday,0,0,0) 
- Date.UTC(curyear,curmon,curday,0,0,0); 
var datee = diff/1000/60/60/24; 
document.cir.val4.value=datee+" days left for your next birthday"; 
function color(test) 
for(var j=7; j<12; j++) 
var myI=document.getElementsByTagName("input").item(j); 
function color1(test) 
var myI=document.getElementsByTagName("table").item(0); 


<style media="screen" type="text/css"> 
.cal-container { 
width: 540px; 
margin: 10px auto 0; 
#age-calculator { 
    background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #DDDDDD; 
    border: 1px solid #BEBEBE; 
    padding-left: 20px; 

.calc { 
    border-color: #AAAAAA #999999 #929292 #AAAAAA; 
    border-style: solid; 
    border-width: 1px 2px 2px 1px; 
    padding: 2px 30px 3px; 
    height: 27px; 
.calc:active { 
    border-color: #AAAAAA #999999 #929292 #AAAAAA; 
    border-style: solid; 
    border-width: 1px; 


<title>Age calculator</title> 
<body onLoad="wr_document()"> 
<div class="cal-container"> 
<div id="calculator-container"> 
<table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0"> 
<td valign="top"> 
<h1 style="padding-top: 10px;">Age Calculator</h1> 
<div class="descalign"> 
<span>Calculate your age in days, years, minutes, seconds. Know how many days are left for your next birthday.</span><br/><br/> 
<div id="age-calculator"> 
<table width="100%" cellspacing="4" cellpadding="0" border="0" bgcolor=""> 
<td colspan="2"> 
<table class="result" width="100%" height="100%"> 
<form name="cir"> 
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3"> 
<td colspan="2"> 
Today's Date is: 
<td align="center" colspan="2"> 
Date - 
<input class="innerc resform" type="text" value="" onkeyup="checkday(this)" size="2" name="len11"> 
Month - 
<input class="innerc resform" type="text" value="" onkeyup="checkmon(this)" size="2" name="len12"> 
Year - 
<input class="innerc resform" type="text" value="" onkeyup="checkyear(this)" size="4" name="len13"> 
<td colspan="2"> Enter Your Date of Birth : </td> 
<td align="center" colspan="2"> 
Date - 
<input class="innerc resform" type="text" onkeyup="checkday(this)" size="2" name="len21"> 
Month - 
<input class="innerc resform" type="text" onkeyup="checkmon(this)" size="2" name="len22"> 
Year - 
<input class="innerc resform" type="text" onkeyup="checkyear(this)" size="4" name="len23"> 
<input class="calc" type="button" onclick="calage()" value=" Go " name="but"> 
<td class="form" width="30%" align="center"> 
<b> </b> 
<b> Your Age is </b> 
<input class="resform" type="text" readonly="" size="36" name="val"> 
<b> Your Age in Days </b> 
<input class="resform" type="text" readonly="" size="36" name="val1"> 
<b> Your Age in Hours </b> 
<input class="resform" type="text" readonly="" size="36" name="val2"> 
<td class="form"> 
<b> Your Age in Minutes </b> 
<input class="resform" type="text" readonly="" size="36" name="val3"> 
<td> </td> 
<b> Your Next Birthday</b> 
<input class="innerc resform" type="text" readonly="" size="36" name="val4"> 
<td> </td> 
<td align="right" colspan="2"> </td> 
<td> </td> 



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