我與新的Visual Studio在線團隊服務運行簡單的構建,包括自定義的Windows Server 2012 R2虛擬機上執行以下任務:VSTS聯機新建系統錯誤「指定的路徑,文件名或兩者都過長。」

  1. 的NuGet安裝
  2. NPM
  3. 咕嘟咕嘟
  4. 的Visual Studio構建
  5. Visual Studio的測試
  6. Azure的Web應用程序部署
  7. 指數來源&發表符號
  8. 發佈構建神器


Starting task: Test Assemblies **\$(BuildConfiguration)\*test*.dll;-:**\obj\** 
Executing the powershell script: C:\a\tasks\VSTest\1.0.34\VSTest.ps1 
Entering script VSTest.ps1 
vsTestVersion = 14.0 
testAssembly = **\release\*test*.dll;-:**\obj\** 
testFiltercriteria = 
runSettingsFile = C:\a\_work\1\s 
codeCoverageEnabled = false 
pathtoCustomTestAdapters = 
overrideTestrunParameters = 
otherConsoleOptions = 
testRunTitle = 
platform = any cpu 
configuration = release 
publishRunAttachments = true 
##[error]The specified path, file name, or both are too long. The fully qualified file name must be less than 260 characters, and the directory name must be less than 248 characters. 
##[warning]No test assemblies found matching the pattern: '**\release\*test*.dll;-:**\obj\**'. 
Finishing task: VSTest 



This blog posts說明問題(NPM下載創建一條太長的路徑)以及如何解決它。


非常感謝!在升級到包含npm3的新NodeJs版本後,它支持平面樣式node_modules文件夾,它解決了這個問題。 –


如何將Visual Studio Team Services託管代理升級到npm3? –
