2017-04-16 53 views

我有Swift程序,它使用C API。我的一個API方法返回struct tm。有沒有辦法,如何將其轉換爲Swift Date或者我必須在C端自己解析它,並將部分手動傳遞給Swift?Swift - C函數和struct tm



我不知道Swift標準庫中的內置函數。但可以使用timegm()脫離如C: Converting struct tm times with timezone to time_t描述的C庫:

extension Date { 
    init?(tm: tm) { 
     let gmtOffset = tm.tm_gmtoff // Save the offset because timegm() modifies it 
     var tm = tm // A mutable copy 
     var time = timegm(&tm) // The time components interpreted as GMT 
     if time == -1 { return nil } // timegm() had an error 
     time -= gmtOffset // Adjustment for actual time zone 
     self.init(timeIntervalSince1970: TimeInterval(time)) 

然後可以從struct tm並用作

if let date = Date(tm: yourStructTmVariable) { 
} else { 
    print("invalid value") 

另一種可能的方法是填充DateComponents結構與 值請使用Calendar將其轉換爲 a Date

extension Date { 
    init?(tm: tm) { 
     let comps = DateComponents(year: 1900 + Int(tm.tm_year), 
            month: 1 + Int(tm.tm_mon), 
            day: Int(tm.tm_mday), 
            hour: Int(tm.tm_hour), 
            minute: Int(tm.tm_min), 
            second: Int(tm.tm_sec)) 
     var cal = Calendar(identifier: .gregorian) 
     guard let tz = TimeZone(secondsFromGMT: tm.tm_gmtoff) else { return nil } 
     cal.timeZone = tz 
     guard let date = cal.date(from: comps) else { return nil } 
     self = date 