$time = mktime(11, 14, 54, 8, 12, 2014);
//mktime(hour,minute,second,month,day,year) as the right order
echo "Create time is ".date('Y-m-d h:i:s',$time);// year first
echo "<br>";
echo "Create time is ".date('d-m-Y h:i:s',$time);//day first
echo "<br>";
echo "Year is ".date('Y',$time);//Just print Year
echo "<br>";
echo "Month is ".date('m',$time);//just print month
//use date(format,optional)
//the format can be what you want it to be display
Create time is 2014-08-12 11:14:54
Create time is 12-08-2014 11:14:54
Year is 2014
Month is 08