2016-10-26 56 views

這裏的數學運算是在Python計算器代碼:簡化代碼 - 執行基於運營商

import time 
#Returns the sum of num1 and num2 
def add(num1, num2): 
    return num1 + num2 

#Returns the difference of num1 and num2 
def subtract(num1, num2): 
    return num1 - num2 

#Returns the quotient of num1 and num2 
def divide(num1, num2): 
    return num1/num2 

#Returns the product of num1 and num2 
def multiply(num1, num2): 
    return num1 * num2 

#Returns the exponentiation of num1 and num2 
def power(num1, num2): 
    return num1 ** num2 

import time 

def main(): 
    operation = input("What do you want to do? (+, -, *, /, ^): ") 
    if(operation != "+" and operation != "-" and operation != "*" and operation != "/" and operation != "^"): 
     #invalid operation 
     print("You must enter a valid operation") 
     var1 = int(input("Enter num1: ")) #variable one is identified 
     var2 = int(input("Enter num2: ")) #variable two is identified 
     if(operation == "+"): 
      print (add(var1, var2)) 
     elif(operation == "-"): 
      print (subtract(var1, var2)) 
     elif(operation == "/"): 
      print (divide(var1, var2)) 
     elif(operation == "*"): 
      print (multiply(var1, var2)) 
      print (power(var1, var2)) 
input("Press enter to exit") 


main = lambda operation,var1,var2: var1+var2 if operation=='+' else var1-var2 if operation=='-' else var1*var2 if operation=='*' else var1/var2 if operation=='/' else 'None' 
print(main(input('What operation would you like to perform? [+,-,*,/]: '),int(input('Enter num1: ')),int(input('Enter num2: ')))) 
input('Press enter to exit') 



爲了使它更Python,把方法拿過來,讓人類可讀 – Sayse


此外,也許更適合[codereview.se],但發佈 – Sayse


@Adler之前檢查他們的準則:新增答案。這是你需要的嗎?將答案標記爲已接受,如果您在將來以其他方式查看時獲得了您想要的內容作爲參考 –




  1. 創建執行操作以字典的幫助功能。



    import operator 
    def perform_operation(my_operator): 
        return { 
         '+': operator.add, 
         '-': operator.sub, 
         '*': operator.mul, 
         '/': operator.truediv, # "operator.div" in python 2 
         '^': operator.pow, 
        }.get(my_operator, '^') # using `^` as defualt value since in your 
              # "else" block you are calculating the `pow` 


    def perform_operation(my_operator): 
        return { 
         '+': lambda x, y: x + y, 
         '-': lambda x, y: x - y, 
         '*': lambda x, y: x * y, 
         '/': lambda x, y: x/float(y), 
         '^': lambda x, y: x ** y, 
        }.get(my_operator, '^') # using `^` as defualt value since in your 
              # "else" block you are calculating the `pow()` 


    >>> perform_operation('/')(3, 5) 


  2. 更新您的else塊更Python撥打電話給它爲:

    var1 = int(input("Enter num1: ")) 
    var2 = int(input("Enter num2: ")) 
    perform_operation(operation)(var1, var2) # Making call to function created above 
    # THE END - nothing more in else block 
  3. 簡化您的if條件有:

    if operation not in ["+", "-", "*", "/", "^"]: 
        # invalid operation 

哇,謝謝!我不知道「操作員」,這使得一切都更容易解釋。將來我一定會使用它。 Lambda很混亂,而且往往難以閱讀。我很欣賞答案。 –




result = sorted(some_weird_iterable, key=lambda x: abs(x[0] - x[-1])) 


def as_the_bird_flies_distance(x): 
    return abs(x[0] - x[-1]) 

result = sorted(some_weird_iterable, key=as_the_bird_flies_distance) 


Python 2.7.11 (default, Jan 22 2016, 08:29:18) 
[GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 7.0.2 (clang-700.1.81)] on darwin 
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. 
>>> import this 
The Zen of Python, by Tim Peters 

Beautiful is better than ugly. 
Explicit is better than implicit. 
Simple is better than complex. 
Complex is better than complicated. 
Flat is better than nested. 
Sparse is better than dense. 
Readability counts. 
Special cases aren't special enough to break the rules. 
Although practicality beats purity. 
Errors should never pass silently. 
Unless explicitly silenced. 
In the face of ambiguity, refuse the temptation to guess. 
There should be one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do it. 
Although that way may not be obvious at first unless you're Dutch. 
Now is better than never. 
Although never is often better than *right* now. 
If the implementation is hard to explain, it's a bad idea. 
If the implementation is easy to explain, it may be a good idea. 
Namespaces are one honking great idea -- let's do more of those! 

感謝您的提示。當我第一次發現'lambda'時,我在一個表達式的pygame文件中發現它。我很困惑爲什麼有人會讓事情變得比他們需要的更復雜,但現在我明白了。 Lambda非常有用,因爲它避免了跳來跳去(並且可以像你說的那樣將它嵌入到一行中),但是當你創建的函數並不簡單時,它會讓人感到困惑。這是lambda的想法嗎?感謝您的迴應。我終於明白爲什麼更長,更多的間隔代碼是首選。 –


@AdlerWeber。如果lambda不能幫助清晰起見,請不要使用它。它會讓你的代碼更難以調試,並且在你回來之後嘗試修改它會讓你感到困惑。 – SCB