2017-05-04 22 views




import QtQuick 2.6 
import QtQuick.Window 2.2 
import QtQuick.Controls 1.2 

Window { 
    visible: true 
    width: 640 
    height: 480 
    title: qsTr("PathView path test") 

    Path { 
     id: path1 
     startX: 100; startY: 100 
     PathLine{ x: 300; y: 100 } 
    Path { 
     id: path2 
     startX: 100; startY: 100 
     PathLine{ x: 100; y: 300 } 

    ListModel { 
     id: pvModel 
     ListElement{ name: "rectangle" } 
     ListElement{ name: "rectangle" } 
     ListElement{ name: "rectangle" } 

    Component { 
     id: pvDelegate 
     Rectangle { 
      width: 50 
      height: 50 
      color: "red" 
      border.width: 1 
      Component.onCompleted: console.log("Rectangle created") 
      Component.onDestruction: console.log("Rectangle deleted") 

    property bool currentPath; 
    PathView { 
     anchors.fill: parent 
     model: pvModel 
     delegate: pvDelegate 
     path: (currentPath ? path1 : path2) 

    Button { 
     width: 100 
     height: 40 
     text: "Switch path" 
     onClicked: currentPath = !currentPath 




DelegateModel實例化Item S爲view,你可以選擇,有Item小號持續性,將它們添加到persistedItems -group。

我們可能想使用一個模型的動態實例,在這個例子中,我只添加那些Item s到這個組中,被實例化,當Path將切換,並在之後的從小組中刪除開關。


如果所有Item s爲可見的,無論如何,你可以標記所有的人都爲persistentComponent.onCompleted -Slot

import QtQuick 2.6 
import QtQuick.Window 2.2 
import QtQuick.Controls 1.2 
import QtQml.Models 2.2 

Window { 
    visible: true 
    width: 640 
    height: 480 
    title: qsTr("PathView path test") 

    Path { 
     id: path1 
     startX: 100; startY: 100 
     PathLine{ id: line1; x: 300; y: 100 } 
    Path { 
     id: path2 
     startX: 100; startY: 100 
     PathLine{ x: 100; y: 300 } 

    ListModel { 
     id: pvModel 
     ListElement{ name: "rectangle" } 
     ListElement{ name: "rectangle" } 
     ListElement{ name: "rectangle" } 

    DelegateModel { 
     id: pvDelegateModel 
     model: pvModel 
     delegate: Rectangle { 
      id: delegate 
      width: 50 
      height: 50 
      color: 'red' 
      border.width: 1 

      Component.onCompleted: console.log("Rectangle created") 
      Component.onDestruction: console.log("Rectangle destroyed") 
      Connections { 
       target: button 
       onStart: delegate.DelegateModel.inPersistedItems = true // Make them persistent befor the switch 
       onEnd: delegate.DelegateModel.inPersistedItems = false // Make them non-persistent after the switch 

    PathView { 
     id: pv 
     anchors.fill: parent 
     model: pvDelegateModel 
     path: path1 
     clip: true 

    Button { 
     id: button 
     width: 100 
     height: 40 
     text: "Switch path" 
     signal start 
     signal end 
     onClicked: { 
      pv.path = (pv.path === path1 ? path2 : path1) 
      pv.currentIndex +=1 // To force a refresh of the layout 
      pv.currentIndex -= 1 

它的工作,但現在,我無法訪問從我的新委託PathAttribute定義的附加屬性,我怎麼能做到這一點? – Macias


編輯:現在一切工作正常,我不得不將所有附加屬性定義爲默認值在每個路徑中,因爲不重裝委託綁定不起作用。感謝您的幫助:) – Macias



import QtQuick 2.6 
import QtQuick.Window 2.2 
import QtQuick.Controls 1.2 

Window { 
    visible: true 
    width: 640 
    height: 480 
    title: qsTr("PathView path test") 

    Path { 
     id: pvPath 
     startX: 100; startY: 100 
      x: currentPath ? 300 : 100 
      y: currentPath ? 100 : 300 
      Behavior on x { SmoothedAnimation { duration: 125 } } 
      Behavior on y { SmoothedAnimation { duration: 125 } } 

    ListModel { 
     id: pvModel 
     ListElement{ name: "rectangle" } 
     ListElement{ name: "rectangle" } 
     ListElement{ name: "rectangle" } 

    Component { 
     id: pvDelegate 
     Rectangle { 
      width: 50 
      height: 50 
      color: "red" 
      border.width: 1 
      Component.onCompleted: console.log("Rectangle created") 
      Component.onDestruction: console.log("Rectangle deleted") 

    property bool currentPath; 
    PathView { 
     anchors.fill: parent 
     model: pvModel 
     delegate: pvDelegate 
     path: pvPath 

    Button { 
     width: 100 
     height: 40 
     text: "Switch path" 
     onClicked: currentPath = !currentPath 

呵呵,這就是我雖然第一次,但我'path1'更改的屬性並使用'path2',所以我沒有結果:D – derM
