這是MongoDB docs:MongoDB ::爲什麼嵌入式文檔索引不要以相反的順序返回文檔?
db.factories.insert({ name: "xyz", metro: { city: "New York", state: "NY" } });
db.factories.ensureIndex({ metro : 1 });
// this query can use the above index:
db.factories.find({ metro: { city: "New York", state: "NY" } });
//As well as this
db.factories.find({ metro: { $gte : { city: "New York" } } });
// But this query will not return the document because the order of the fields is significant and doesn't match in this case
db.factories.find({ metro: { state: "NY" , city: "New York" } });
來源爲「由於JSON和BSON的順序領域有所作爲「? – CamelCamelCamel 2011-06-25 16:45:18
@Radagaisus這是一個糟糕的聲明。我的意思是在這方面有所不同(序列化和索引)。 BSON或JSON本身不強制執行任何次序,而且對象比較語義由實現決定。 – pingw33n 2011-07-01 17:43:32
「由於在索引中搜索嵌入文檔之前沒有任何方法無法正常化字段順序」......只是一個想法:如何按字母順序(字段名稱)對字段進行排序? – 2011-07-01 17:52:23