tickTime=2000 # REQUIRED - This will be the basis of timing
events (milliseconds)
initLimit=5 # REQUIRED - Amount of ticks in initialization
syncLimit=2 # REQUIRED - Amount of ticks to determine if node is still connected
dataDir=/var/lib/zookeeper # REQUIRED - Where to store zookeeper sync data
clientPort=2181 # REQUIRED - Port which clients connect to
server.1= # or "" if server.1 is the current node
server.2=server2host:2888:3888 # or "" if server.2 is the current node
server.3=server3host:2888:3888 # or "" if server.N is the current node
if server.1 is the current node does not have the form host:port
or host:port:portor host:port:port:type
但我相信目前的節點似乎好。 任何人都可以指導什麼可能是這裏失蹤的東西。