我使用angularjs和bootstrap-ui來構建一些選項卡。AngularJS ng-repeat bootstrap-ui選項卡
"name":"University of Aberdeen",
"sections": [
"title": "Grades",
"data" : [
"heading": "GCE - AS Levels",
"paragraph": "Do not currently form part of academic requirement. AS module resits are permitted providing the final three A levels are undertaken simultaneously over two years of study. GCSE English and Maths needed at grade C minimum."
"heading": "Re-application",
"paragraph": "Reapplication is accepted with no disadvantage to the applicant."
"title": "Entrance exam",
"data" : [
"heading": "GCE - AS Levels",
"paragraph": "Do not currently form part of academic requirement. AS module resits are permitted providing the final three A levels are undertaken simultaneously over two years of study. GCSE English and Maths needed at grade C minimum."
"heading": "Re-application",
"paragraph": "Reapplication is accepted with no disadvantage to the applicant."
<tabset type="pills">
<tab ng-repeat="tab in tabs" heading="{{tab.title}}" select="getContent()" active="tab.active" disabled="tab.disabled">
<div ng-repeat="item in tabs.content">
<div ng-repeat="item in item.sections">
<div ng-repeat="item in item.data">
謝謝帕特里克,但不幸的不是。我知道如果我設置一個小提琴會更容易確定,當我有機會時會嘗試這樣做。 – Pianoc
好吧我會盡量留意這個頁面,等待小提琴。 –
嗨帕特里克,這裏是一個Plunker來簡化這個:http://plnkr.co/edit/iIJVuIxspDRedN7ZXiTK?p=preview – Pianoc