2012-09-17 34 views

大家都知道我剛剛開始編寫C#,這是實踐。從靜態void返回一個值到靜態void,使用公共變量 - 一些指導請

我在網上找到了一個GuessTheNumberGame的代碼,一直試圖改進基本的遊戲,以便給出反饋,並且用戶可以改變數字。 我有程序工作,但希望把'NumberChange'模塊與'代碼'方法分開。

我在我的'GuessTheNumberGame'內執行了一個Main()方法,執行'Code'方法。 事情是當我去改變數字範圍'NumberChange'模塊不會改變'公共靜態int從'或'公共靜態詮釋'的值;因爲這個數字的範圍保持不變。下面


using System; 

namespace GuessThatNumber 
    class GuessTheNumberGame 
     static void Main() 
      Code(from, to, new_range); 

     public static int new_range = 0; 
     public static int from = 1; 
     public static int to = 10; 

     static void Code(int from, int to, int new_range) 
      //int from = 1; // The range the user will guess from. 
      //int to = 10; //The range the user will guess to. 

      int guessedNumber; //This will hold the value that the user guessed. 
      int Counter = 0; //Counter is used to count the number of guesses the user makes. 
      int selection = 0; //This value is for the selection at the start of the program 
      //int new_range = 0; 
      bool exit = false; 

      while (exit == false) 
       Console.WriteLine("What would you like to do?"); 
       Console.WriteLine("1: Alter the range of guessed numbers? The range is currently from {0} to {1}.", from, to); 
       Console.WriteLine("2: Try to guess the number?"); 
       Console.WriteLine("3: Exit the program?"); 
       Console.WriteLine("Please enter a number:"); 
       if (int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out selection)) 
        if (selection == 2) 
         int randomNumber = new Random().Next(from, to); //Generates a random number between the (from, to) variables. 
         Console.Write("The number is between {0} and {1}. ", from, to); 
         while (true) 
          Console.Write("Make a guess: "); 
          if (int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out guessedNumber)) 
           if (guessedNumber == randomNumber) 
            Console.WriteLine("You guessed the right number!"); 
            if (Counter < 2) 
             Console.WriteLine("You guessed the number in only 1 turn! Amazing!"); 
             Console.WriteLine(" "); 
             Console.WriteLine("You guessed " + Counter + " times."); 
             Console.WriteLine(" "); 
            Console.WriteLine("Your guess was too {0}.", (guessedNumber > randomNumber) ? "high" : "low"); 
            Counter = Counter + 1; 
           Console.WriteLine("Input was not an integer."); 
         //Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit."); 
        else if (selection == 1) 
         NumberChange(from, to, new_range); 

         exit = true; 

     static int NumberChange(int from, int to, int new_range) 
      Console.WriteLine("Please enter the number that the guess will start from."); 
      int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out new_range); 
      from = new_range; 
      Console.WriteLine("Now enter the number that the guess will go to."); 
      int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out new_range); 
      to = new_range; 
      return new_range; 

它不是一個 「空白」。這是一個**功能**。函數的返回類型是'void',但是將函數定義稱爲返回類型的實例是不正確的。 –





static int NumberChange(ref int from, ref int to, ref int new_range) 
    //Your code here 



我爲什麼會陷入低谷? –


請閱讀有關passing parameters by reference in C#

到目前爲止,您的參數是按值傳遞的。這意味着,在你的程序的開始調用Code()public static int frompublic static int to當前值複製到參數fromto。當你調用NumberChange()



static int NumberChange(ref int from, ref int to, int new_range) 


NumberChange(ref from, ref to, new_range); 


  • 您傳遞了new_range參數,但您不使用它。實際上,您在撥打TryParse()時會被覆蓋。因此,您可以簡單地將int new_range聲明爲局部變量,而不是將其作爲參數傳遞。
  • 您從該方法返回值,但不使用該值。因此,您可以將您的方法聲明爲void並刪除return語句。

最後,如果你希望你的public static int frompublic static int to變量由Code()改變,類似添加ref關鍵字NumberChange()。但是,對於您當前的代碼,這不是很有用,因爲程序在離開Code()後立即結束,並且根本不會使用新值。


謝謝。這幫了很多忙。我不知道ref關鍵字。 此外代碼()使用NumberChange(),因爲它循環返回,直到退出爲True。所以如果用戶決定改變數字範圍,那麼這將保持有效,直到退出成爲真實。 – Inafune


@Inafune:當然,但是數字範圍的變化完全在'Code()'內發生,並且與'public static int from'或'public static int to'無關。 如果答案已解決您的問題,請將答案標記爲已接受。 –




private static void NumberChange() 
     int new_range; 

     Console.WriteLine("Please enter the number that the guess will start from."); 
     int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out new_range); 
     from = new_range; 
     Console.WriteLine("Now enter the number that the guess will go to."); 
     int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out new_range); 
     to = new_range; 

    static void Code() 



public static int new_range = 0; 

只要不對'Code()'方法做同樣的事情,這也不會改變任何東西。 –


謝謝,錯過了那一個。 –