此主題的實際信用用於此log entry中的Vatsana Kongtakane。我已經調整了這些項目,因爲我認爲大多數人已經擁有一個保留的IP。我把它放在StackOverflow上的原因是爲了防止信息丟失。
第1步 - 登錄和準備ARM環境
第2步 - 登錄到您的經典賬號
# Login to your ASM account
# Get a list of available subscriptions
# Select your subscription
Select-AzureSubscription –SubscriptionName <SubscriptionName>
第3步 - 遷移你的保留IP地址
# Show the list of all reserved IP addresses
# De-associate the reserved IP address from your cloud service
# (only necessary if the IP is still assigned to a service)
Remove-AzureReservedIPAssociation -ReservedIPName <ReservedIPName> -ServiceName <ServiceName>
# Check for issues during migration
Move-AzureReservedIP -ReservedIPName <ReservedIPName> -Validate
# Prepare the ReservedIP for migration
Move-AzureReservedIP -ReservedIPName <ReservedIPName> -Prepare
# Commit to migrating the ReservedIP (take a pretty long time)
Move-AzureReservedIP -ReservedIPName <ReservedIPName> -Commit
第4步 - 驗證&清理