list=[1,19,46,28 etc...]
dictionary={Joey:(10,2,6,19), Emily: (0,3), etc}
例如至少列表中的一個條目的字典中的所有鍵: 19是喬斯的價值觀,所以喬伊是贏家。
# NodesOfSet = the list
# elementsAndTheirNodes = the dictionary
# loop as many times as the number of key:value entries in the dictionary element:nodes
# simply: loop over all the elements
for i in range (0, len (elementsAndTheirNodes.keys())):
# there is an indent here (otherwise it wouldnt work anyway)
# loop over the tuple that serves as the value for each key for a given i-th key:value
# simply: loop over all their nodes
for j in range (0, len (elementsAndTheirNodes.values()[i])):
# test: this prints out element + 1 node and so on
# print (elementsAndTheirNodes.keys()[i], elementsAndTheirNodes.values()[i][j] )
for k in range (0, len (NodesOfSet)):
if NodesOfSet[k] == (elementsAndTheirNodes.values()[i][j]):
print (elementsAndTheirNodes.keys()[i], " is the victim")
print (elementsAndTheirNodes.keys()[i], " is not the victim")
只是一個提示:這是不是很符合Python - >列表是一個受保護的詞,因此不要將其用作變量名,變量始終以小寫字母開頭,「詞」通常由「_」分隔。也不要在功能和「()」之間放置空格,如打印或len或範圍 – ted
您好!謝謝你的評論。我不知道在任何地方使用列表的單詞。首都的事情很有趣,雖然不是很有幫助。空格在那裏是因爲我的文本編輯器在打字時提供了我已經使用過的單詞。 – Jewenile
有人編輯我的問題讓它更容易理解,真是太好了。但是真的有必要刪除我不是程序員,我的謝意? – Jewenile