Invalid UNID; UNID must be a 32-digit hex string.
Sub Click(Source As Button)
On Error Goto handleError
Dim ws As New NotesUIWorkspace
Dim s As New NotesSession
Dim leaddoc As NotesDocument
Dim action As NotesDocument
Dim db As NotesDatabase
Dim view As NotesView
Dim doc As NotesUIDocument
Set db = s.CurrentDatabase
Set leaddoc = db.UnprocessedDocuments.GetFirstDocument
Set view = db.GetView("(ActionsByLead)")
If (leaddoc.GetFirstItem("AUNID").Text = "") Then
Msgbox ("There is nothing to edit!")
Exit Sub
End If
Dim uid As String
uid = Cstr(leaddoc.GetFirstItem("AUNID").Text)
Set action = db.GetDocumentByUNID(uid)
Call ws.SetTargetFrame("")
Call ws.EditDocument(True, action,,,, False) 'Error occurs on this line according to the debugger.
Exit Sub
Resume Next
End Sub
錯誤發生時uid的值是什麼? –
邁克爾說了些什麼,再加上你檢查「行動是什麼?」此外,您的錯誤處理程序應該至少打印出Error $和Erl,以便知道是否出錯。 – Eric
@MichaelRuhnau它是我試圖編輯的文檔的有效文檔單元。 –