所以我想安裝RVM,但我認爲在我的Mac電腦上與Xcode有衝突。我用來運行rvm install ruby-1.9.2-p320
,這是我的錯誤 所提供的編譯器安裝rvm時遇到的問題
'/usr/bin/gcc' is LLVM based, it is not yet fully supported by ruby and gems, please read `rvm requirements`.
我然後讀的解決方案寫rvm get head
No binary rubies available for: ///ruby-1.9.2-p320.
Continuing with compilation. Please read 'rvm mount' to get more information on binary rubies.
The provided compiler '/usr/bin/gcc' is LLVM based, it is not yet fully supported by ruby and gems, please read `rvm requirements`.
'rvm_codesign_identity' is not set, please set it in ~/.rvmrc
whats ur xcode version? – uday
我的Xcode版本是4.3.2 –
http://caiustheory.com/install-gcc-421-apple-build-56663-with-xcode-42 –