2016-04-27 47 views





有沒有辦法重繪,但與新重繪的圖表屬性? 謝謝! (fiddle)。

events : { 
    load: function(){ 
      var ren = this.renderer; 
       // Get data from the highcharts object 
       var plot = this.plotBox; 
       var zeroGridLine = this.yAxis[0].ticks[0].gridLine.d; 
       var zeroGridLineArray = zeroGridLine.split(' '); 
       var topPos = plot.y;            // top of the chart 
       var zeroPos = parseFloat(zeroGridLineArray.slice(-1)[0]);   // position of the zero line 
       var bottomPos = topPos + plot.height;        // bottom of the chart 
       var vertLinePos = parseFloat(zeroGridLineArray.slice(-2)[0]) + 8; // vertical line position 
       var horizWidth = 5;             // width of the horizontal lines 
       var strokeWidth = 1;            // thickness of the line 
       var stroke = 'black';            // color of the line 

       // exports vertical line 
       ren.path(['M', vertLinePos, topPos, 'L', vertLinePos, zeroPos]) 
         stroke: stroke, 
         'stroke-width': strokeWidth, 
         id: 'impExpLines_0' 
       // imports vertical line 
       ren.path(['M', vertLinePos, zeroPos, 'L', vertLinePos, bottomPos]) 
         stroke: stroke, 
         'stroke-width': strokeWidth, 
         id: 'impExpLines_1' 
       // Horizontal line to separate import/export 
       ren.path(['M', vertLinePos - horizWidth, zeroPos, 'L', vertLinePos + horizWidth, zeroPos]) 
         stroke: stroke, 
         'stroke-width': strokeWidth, 
         id: 'impExpLines_2' 
       // top horizontal line 
       ren.path(['M', vertLinePos - horizWidth, topPos, 'L', vertLinePos + horizWidth, topPos]) 
         stroke: stroke, 
         'stroke-width': strokeWidth, 
         id: 'impExpLines_3' 
       // bottom horizontal line 
       ren.path(['M', vertLinePos - horizWidth, bottomPos, 'L', vertLinePos + horizWidth, bottomPos]) 
         stroke: stroke, 
         'stroke-width': strokeWidth, 
         id: 'impExpLines_4' 
       // label imports and exports 
       ren.text('Exports',vertLinePos + 5,((zeroPos - topPos)/2) + topPos + 3) 
       .attr({id: 'impExpLines_5'}) 
       // label imports and exports 
       ren.text('Imports',vertLinePos + 5,((bottomPos - zeroPos)/2) + zeroPos + 3) 
       .attr({id: 'impExpLines_6'}) 
     redraw : function(){ 
      // clear previosuly drawn lines 
       var ren = this.renderer; 
       // Get data from the highcharts object 
       var plot = this.plotBox; 
       var zeroGridLine = this.yAxis[0].ticks[0].gridLine.d; 
       var zeroGridLineArray = zeroGridLine.split(' '); 
       var topPos = plot.y;            // top of the chart 
       var zeroPos = parseFloat(zeroGridLineArray.slice(-1)[0]);   // position of the zero line 
       var bottomPos = topPos + plot.height;        // bottom of the chart 
       var vertLinePos = parseFloat(zeroGridLineArray.slice(-2)[0]) + 8; // vertical line position 
       var horizWidth = 5;             // width of the horizontal lines 
       var strokeWidth = 1;            // thickness of the line 
       var stroke = 'black';            // color of the line 

       // exports vertical line 
       ren.path(['M', vertLinePos, topPos, 'L', vertLinePos, zeroPos]) 
         stroke: stroke, 
         'stroke-width': strokeWidth, 
         id: 'impExpLines_0' 
       // imports vertical line 
       ren.path(['M', vertLinePos, zeroPos, 'L', vertLinePos, bottomPos]) 
         stroke: stroke, 
         'stroke-width': strokeWidth, 
         id: 'impExpLines_1' 
       // Horizontal line to separate import/export 
       ren.path(['M', vertLinePos - horizWidth, zeroPos, 'L', vertLinePos + horizWidth, zeroPos]) 
         stroke: stroke, 
         'stroke-width': strokeWidth, 
         id: 'impExpLines_2' 
       // top horizontal line 
       ren.path(['M', vertLinePos - horizWidth, topPos, 'L', vertLinePos + horizWidth, topPos]) 
         stroke: stroke, 
         'stroke-width': strokeWidth, 
         id: 'impExpLines_3' 
       // bottom horizontal line 
       ren.path(['M', vertLinePos - horizWidth, bottomPos, 'L', vertLinePos + horizWidth, bottomPos]) 
         stroke: stroke, 
         'stroke-width': strokeWidth, 
         id: 'impExpLines_4' 
       // label imports and exports 
       ren.text('Exports',vertLinePos + 5,((zeroPos - topPos)/2) + topPos + 3) 
       .attr({id: 'impExpLines_5'}) 
       // label imports and exports 
       ren.text('Imports',vertLinePos + 5,((bottomPos - zeroPos)/2) + zeroPos + 3) 
       .attr({id: 'impExpLines_6'}) 




var zeroPos = parseFloat(zeroGridLineArray.slice(-1)[0]); // position of the zero line 


var zeroPos = this.yAxis[0].toPixels(0); // position of the zero line 

this JSFiddle示範。



這確實!非常感謝! – tkwargs