# define weekly pull code
def GT_Weekly_Run(keys):
# connect to Google
connector = pyGTrends(google_username, google_password)
# make request
connector.request_report(keys, geo="US")
# wait a random amount of time between requests to avoid bot detection
time.sleep(randint(5, 10))
# download file
connector.save_csv(path, '_' + "GT_Weekly" + '_' + keys)
name = path, '_' + "GT_Weekly" + '_' + keys
with open(name + '.csv', 'rt') as csvfile:
csvReader = csv.reader(csvfile)
data = []
data = [row for row in csvReader if row and row[0].startswith("20")]
week_df = pd.DataFrame(data)
cols = ["Date", "Trend"]
week_df.columns = [cols]
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'GT_Weekly_football.csv'
TypeError: can only concatenate tuple (not "str") to tuple
'keys'是一個元組嗎? – McGlothlin
'name = path,'_'+「GT_Weekly」+'_'+ keys'使'name'成爲一個雙元組元組。但在'open'調用中,您嘗試使用'name +'.csv''將字符串連接到該元組。你可能打算做'name = path +'_'+「GT_Weekly」+'_'+ keys'。但是,正如Martin指出的那樣,在構建文件路徑時最好使用'os.path.join'函數。 –
Key's只是一個單一的字符串,「棒球」 – ATMA