每次通過foreach循環時,我都想捕獲變化的變量'$ server'。總而言之,$ sever值總是在變化,我想捕獲它並將其添加到一個集體csv文件中導出循環中的每個變量值
function Convert-QueryToObjects
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false,
ValueFromPipeline = $true,
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,
Position = 0)]
[Alias('ComputerName', 'Computer')]
Write-Verbose "Running query.exe against $Name."
$Users = query user /server:$Name 2>&1
if ($Users -like "*No User exists*")
# Handle no user's found returned from query.
# Returned: 'No User exists for *'
Write-Error "There were no users found on $Name : $Users"
Write-Verbose "There were no users found on $Name."
elseif ($Users -like "*Error*")
# Handle errored returned by query.
# Returned: 'Error ...<message>...'
Write-Error "There was an error running query against $Name : $Users"
Write-Verbose "There was an error running query against $Name."
elseif ($Users -eq $null -and $ErrorActionPreference -eq 'SilentlyContinue')
# Handdle null output called by -ErrorAction.
Write-Verbose "Error action has supressed output from query.exe. Results were null."
Write-Verbose "Users found on $Name. Converting output from text."
# Conversion logic. Handles the fact that the sessionname column may be populated or not.
$Users = $Users | ForEach-Object {
(($_.trim() -replace ">" -replace "(?m)^([A-Za-z0-9]{3,})\s+(\d{1,2}\s+\w+)", '$1 none $2' -replace "\s{2,}", "," -replace "none", $null))
} | ConvertFrom-Csv
Write-Verbose "Generating output for $($Users.Count) users connected to $Name."
# Output objects.
foreach ($User in $Users)
Write-Verbose $User
if ($VerbosePreference -eq 'Continue')
# Add '| Out-Host' if -Verbose is tripped.
ComputerName = $Name
Username = $User.USERNAME
SessionState = $User.STATE.Replace("Disc", "Disconnected")
SessionType = $($User.SESSIONNAME -Replace '#', '' -Replace "[0-9]+", "")
} | Out-Host
# Standard output.
ComputerName = $Name
Username = $User.USERNAME
SessionState = $User.STATE.Replace("Disc", "Disconnected")
SessionType = $($User.SESSIONNAME -Replace '#', '' -Replace "[0-9]+", "")
$Servers = Get-Content 'H:\demo\computernames.txt'
foreach ($Server in $Servers)
if (-not(Test-Connection $Server -Count 1 -Quiet)) { continue }
if (-not(Convert-QueryToObjects $Server -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
$server | Out-File 'H:\demo\session\run1.csv' -Append
Convert-QueryToObjects -Name $Server | select ComputerName, Username, Sessionstate, IdleTime, ID | Export-Csv 'H:\demo\session\run.csv' -NoTypeInformation
目的是什麼?創建一個包含計算機名稱的CSV文件,以及它們是否響應了ping? –
@Bill_Stewart這樣做的目的是獲取沒有任何用戶登錄的計算機列表。 – russell
@ ruslive109:請直接通過澄清更新您的問題,不要使用評論。此外,這是很多代碼,我們不知道,具體來說,問題在哪裏。考慮提供[MCVE(最小,完整和可驗證示例)](http://stackoverflow.com/help/mcve)。 – mklement0