2016-06-07 272 views
public int[] selectionSort(int array[]) { 

    for(int i = array.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { 
     int highestIndex = i; 

     for(int j = i; j >= 0; j--) { 
      if(array[j] > array[highestIndex]) 
       highestIndex = j; 
     int temp = array[i]; 
     array[i] = array[highestIndex]; 
     array[highestIndex] = temp; 
    return array; 

我理解選擇排序的概念,但代碼讓我感到困惑。特別是,有人可以解釋從「int temp = array [i];」開始的外部for循環的最後三條語句中發生了什麼。需要幫助瞭解代碼段


http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13766209/effective-swapping-of-elements-of-an-array-in-java –


您可以切換「數組[array] [數組] [數組[最高索引] '。要做到這一點,你需要複製'array [i]',這樣你可以在被array [i] = array [highestIndex];'覆蓋之後訪問該值。 – Gendarme




int a = 2; 
int b = 6; 
int tmp = a; // now tmp has a value that is _copy_ of a i.e. 2 
a = b; // since we saved a in tmp, we can _mutate_ it, now a has b's value 
b = tmp; // swap! here, b = a won't work because a contains b's current value. 
// now a has value 6 and b has value 2, exactly what we wanted. 

在一些其他語言,如a, b = b, a構造可用於此目的,這在我看來更直觀。



謝謝,這就是我一直在尋找的東西。我知道兩個值正在交換,但我不明白它是如何影響其餘代碼的。 –