我正在MS Access中使用vba創建與QODBC Quickbooks中的發票。 此過程需要首先插入多行發票項目並保存臨時文件,直到插入主發票信息。我有幾個需要作爲批量插入的發票。我如何設置2插入查詢基於openrecordset字段ID(使用QODBC&MS ACCESS的進銷存)
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim iCount As Integer
Set db = CurrentDb()
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("QB_AppendInvoice_LoopRef") 'open the recordset for use (table, Query, SQL Statement)
With rs
If .RecordCount <> 0 Then 'Ensure that there are actually records to work with
'The next 2 line will determine the number of returned records
rs.MoveLast 'This is required otherwise you may not get the right count
iCount = rs.RecordCount 'Determine the number of returned records
Do While Not .BOF
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
'Append Invoice Line (determine tests ordered)
Dim SQL1 As String
SQL1 = "INSERT INTO InvoiceLine (CustomerRefListID, CustomerRefFullName, ARAccountRefListID, ARAccountRefFullName, InvoiceLineSerialNumber, InvoiceLineLotNumber, TemplateRefListID, IsPending, DueDate, TxnDate, InvoiceLineType, InvoiceLineItemRefListID, InvoiceLineItemRefFullName, InvoiceLineDesc, InvoiceLineRate, InvoiceLineAmount, FQSaveToCache, RefNumber)" & _
"SELECT Customer.ListID, Customer.FullName, '4C0000-1070045186', 'Accounts Receivable', Null, Null, '80000023-1495649075', '0', QB_ORDER_DETAILS.OrderDate, QB_ORDER_DETAILS.OrderDate, 'Item', QB_TestList_TestCodes.ListID, QB_TestList_TestCodes.FullName, QB_TestList_TestCodes.Description, QB_TestList_TestCodes.SalesOrPurchasePrice, QB_TestList_TestCodes.SalesOrPurchasePrice, '1', QB_ORDER_DETAILS.OrderID " & _
"FROM ((Customer INNER JOIN contacts ON Customer.AccountNumber = contacts.Company) INNER JOIN QB_ORDER_DETAILS ON contacts.[Full Member Info] = QB_ORDER_DETAILS.Physician) LEFT JOIN QB_TestList_TestCodes ON QB_ORDER_DETAILS.ProductID = QB_TestList_TestCodes.TestCode " & _
"WHERE QB_ORDER_DETAILS.OrderID = rs.Fields.getvalue('OrderID')"
DoCmd.RunSQL SQL1, False
'Append Invoice to Invoice Line (put the tests ordered on an invoice)
Dim SQL2 As String
SQL2 = "INSERT INTO Invoice (CustomerRefListID, CustomerRefFullName, ARAccountRefListID, ARAccountRefFullName, TemplateRefListID, [Memo], IsPending, IsToBePrinted, CustomFieldOther, ItemSalesTaxRefListID, TxnDate, DueDate, RefNumber)" & _
"SELECT Customer.ListID, Customer.FullName, '4C0000-1070045186', 'Accounts Receivable', '80000023-1495649075', [Patient_Last] & ', ' & [Patient_First] & ' - ' & [Full_Specimen_ID], '0', '0', [Patient_Last] & ', ' & [Patient_First] & ' - ' & [Full_Specimen_ID], Null, [OrderDate], [OrderDate], Orders.OrderID" & _
"FROM Customer INNER JOIN (Orders INNER JOIN contacts ON Orders.Physician = contacts.[Full Member Info]) ON Customer.AccountNumber = contacts.Company" & _
"WHERE Orders.OrderID = rs.Fields.getvalue('OrderID')"
DoCmd.RunSQL SQL2, False
MsgBox "There are no records in the recordset."
End If
End With
rs.Close 'Close the recordset
Set rs = Nothing 'Clean up
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
不要使用DoCmd.SetWarnings False,因爲您無法修復您忽略的錯誤(例如:miss在FROM和WHERE之前的空格,SELECT中的每個字符串必須用引號括起來)。使用'Debug.Print SQL'來檢查你的SQL。使用錯誤處理程序來處理錯誤。使用'db.Execute SQL,dbFailOnError'而不是'DoCmd.RunSQL'獲取更多錯誤信息。 – BitAccesser