2016-08-01 142 views



編輯:我添加了一張wbOpen看起來像的圖片。 This is it here.

Option Explicit 

Sub PasteToTargetRange() 

    Dim arrVar As Variant 'stores all the sheets to get the copied 
    Dim arrVarTarget As Variant 'stores names of sheets in target workbook 
    Dim rngRange As Range 'each sheet name in the given range 
    Dim rngLoop As Range 'Range that rngRange is based in 
    Dim wsSource As Worksheet 'source worksheet where ranges are found 
    Dim wbSource As Workbook 'workbook with the information to paste 
    Dim wbTarget As Workbook 'workbook that will receive information 
    Dim strSourceFile As String 'location of source workbook 
    Dim strTargetFile As String 'location of source workbook 
    Dim wbOpen As Workbook 'Current open workbook(one with inputs) 
    Dim wsRange As Range 'get information from source workbook 
    Dim varRange As Range 'Range where values should be pasted 
    Dim i As Integer 'counter for For Loop 
    Dim wbkNewSheet As Worksheet 'create new worksheet if target workbook doesn't have 
    Dim wsTarget As Worksheet 'target workbook worksheet 
    Dim varNumber As String 'range to post 
    Set wbOpen = Workbooks.Open("WorkbookWithRanges.xlsx") 
    'Open source file 
    MsgBox ("Open the source file") 
    strSourceFile = Application.GetOpenFilename 
     If strSourceFile = "" Then Exit Sub 
     Set wbSource = Workbooks.Open(strSourceFile) 
    'Open target file 
    MsgBox ("Open the target file") 
    strTargetFile = Application.GetOpenFilename 
     If strTargetFile = "" Then Exit Sub 
     Set wbTarget = Workbooks.Open(strTargetFile) 
    'Activate transfer Workbook 

    Set wsRange = ActiveSheet.Range("C9:C20") 
    Set arrVarTarget = wbTarget.Worksheets 
    For Each varRange In wsRange 
     If varRange.Value = 'Target workbook worksheets 
      varNumber = varRange.Offset(0, -1).Value 
      Set wsTarget = X.Offset(0, 1) 
      wsSouce.Range(wsTarget).Value = varNumber 
      wbkNewSheet = Worksheets.Add 
      wbkNewSheet.Name = varRange.Value 
     End If 
End Sub


哪裏的問題或問題,如果你現有的代碼。它做什麼,它不應該? – dbmitch


'設置wbOpen = Workbooks.Open(「WorkbookWithRanges.xlsx」)' - 你應該在這裏使用文件的完整路徑 –


@dbmitch我真的有if語句的問題。我不確定如何讓它檢查目標工作簿中工作表的名稱,並與「數據庫」工作簿中列出的名稱進行比較。 –




Sub PasteToTargetRange() 


    Set wsRange = wbOpen.Sheets(1).Range("C9:C20") 

    For Each c In wsRange 

     shtName = c.Offset(0, -1).Value 
     Set wsTarget = GetSheet(wbTarget, shtName) 'get the target sheet 

     wbSource.Sheets(shtName).Range(c.Value).Copy wsTarget.Range(c.Value) 


End Sub 

'Get a reference to a named sheet in a specific workbook 
' By default will create the sheet if not found 
Function GetSheet(wb As Workbook, ws As String, Optional CreateIfMissing As Boolean = True) 
    Dim rv As Worksheet 
    On Error Resume Next 'ignore eroror if no match 
    Set rv = wb.Worksheets(ws) 
    On Error GoTo 0 'stop ignoring errors 
    'sheet wasn't found, and should create if missing 
    If rv Is Nothing And CreateIfMissing Then 
     Set rv = wb.Worksheets.Add(after:=wb.Worksheets(wb.Worksheets.Count)) 
     rv.Name = ws 
    End If 
    Set GetSheet = rv 
End Function 

非常感謝Tim!我做了一些改變。我用wbSource.Sheets(shtName)翻轉了行,因爲它一直在刪除源表中的數據,而不是將數據放入目標表中。我希望我可以高興,但我太新了。 –
