後正確的語法我想升級到持續穩定的角度分支1.4.7。我來自1.2.13。 在我的項目中有一個爲應用程序定製的角單張指令。我想弄清楚如何改變函數中的語法,所以它不會引發錯誤。 控制檯消息如何角更新
Error: [$parse:syntax] Syntax Error: Token '.50465' is an unexpected token at column 8 of the expression [markers.50465] starting at [.50465].
at angular.js:68
at Object.AST.throwError (angular.js:13057)
at Object.AST.ast (angular.js:12827)
at Object.ASTCompiler.compile (angular.js:13276)
at Parser.parse (angular.js:14146)
at $parse (angular.js:14248)
at Scope.$watch (angular.js:15412)
at createMarker (angular-leaflet-directive.js:1496)
at Object.fn (angular-leaflet-directive.js:1158)
at Scope.$digest (angular.js:15826)(anonymous function) @ angular.js:12477(anonymous function) @ angular.js:9246Scope.$digest @ angular.js:15844Scope.$apply @ angular.js:16097done @ angular.js:10546completeRequest @ angular.js:10744requestLoaded @ angular.js:10685
功能 錯誤是在 '標記'。
// add new markers
for (var new_name in newMarkers) {
if (markers[new_name] === undefined) {
var newMarker = createMarker('markers.' + new_name, $scope.markers[new_name], map);
if (newMarker !== null) {
markers[new_name] = newMarker;
var clearWatch = $scope.$watch(scope_watch_name, function (data, old_data) {
if (!data) {
// There is no easy way to know if a marker is added to a layer, so we search for it
// if there are overlays
if (layers !== undefined && layers !== null) {
if (layers.overlays !== undefined) {
for (var key in layers.overlays) {
if (layers.overlays[key] instanceof L.LayerGroup) {
if (layers.overlays[key].hasLayer(marker)) {
if (old_data) {
//TODO Check for layers !== null
//TODO Check for layers.overlays !== null !== undefined
// It is possible the the layer has been removed or the layer marker does not exist
// Update the layer group if present or move it to the map if not
if (data.layer === undefined || data.layer === null || typeof data.layer !== 'string') {
// There is no layer information, we move the marker to the map if it was in a layer group
if (old_data.layer !== undefined && old_data.layer !== null && typeof old_data.layer === 'string') {
// Remove from the layer group that is supposed to be
if (layers.overlays[old_data.layer] !== undefined) {
if (layers.overlays[old_data.layer].hasLayer(marker)) {
// If the marker had a popup we close it because we do not know if the popup in on the map
// or on the layer group. This is ineficient, but as we can't check if the popup is opened
// in Leaflet we can't determine if it has to be open in the new layer. So removing the
// layer group of a marker always closes the popup.
// TODO: Improve popup behaviour when removing a marker from a layer group
// Test if it is not on the map and add it
if (!map.hasLayer(marker)) {
} else if (old_data.layer === undefined || old_data.layer === null || old_data.layer !== data.layer) {
// If it was on a layer group we have to remove it
if (typeof old_data.layer === 'string') {
if (layers.overlays[old_data.layer] !== undefined) {
if (layers.overlays[old_data.layer].hasLayer(marker)) {
// If the marker had a popup we close it because we do not know how the new layer
// will be. This is ineficient, but as we can't check if the opoup is opened in Leaflet
// we can't determine if it has to be open in the new layer. So changing the layer group
// of a marker always closes the popup.
// TODO: Improve popup behaviour when changing a marker from a layer group
// Remove it from the map in case the new layer is hidden or there is an error in the new layer
if (map.hasLayer(marker)) {
// The data.layer is defined so we add the marker to the layer if it is different from the old data
if (layers.overlays[data.layer] !== undefined) {
// Is a group layer?
var layerGroup = layers.overlays[data.layer];
if (layerGroup instanceof L.LayerGroup) {
// The marker goes to a correct layer group, so first of all we add it
// The marker is automatically added to the map depending on the visibility
// of the layer, so we only have to open the popup if the marker is in the map
if (map.hasLayer(marker)) {
if (data.focus === true) {
} else {
$log.error('[AngularJS - Leaflet] A marker can only be added to a layer of type "group"');
} else {
$log.error('[AngularJS - Leaflet] You must use a name of an existing layer');
} else {
// Never has to enter here...
// Update the draggable property
if (data.draggable === undefined || data.draggable === null || data.draggable !== true) {
// If there isn't or wasn't the draggable property or is false and previously true update the dragging
// the !== true prevents for not boolean values in the draggable property
if (old_data.draggable !== undefined && old_data.draggable !== null && old_data.draggable === true) {
if (marker.dragging) {
} else if (old_data.draggable === undefined || old_data.draggable === null || old_data.draggable !== true) {
// The data.draggable property must be true so we update if there wasn't a previous value or it wasn't true
if (marker.dragging) {
} else {
if (L.Handler.MarkerDrag) {
marker.dragging = new L.Handler.MarkerDrag(marker);
marker.options.draggable = true;
if (data.zIndexOffset && data.zIndexOffset != old_data.zIndexOffset) {
// Update the icon property
if (data.icon === undefined || data.icon === null || typeof data.icon !== 'object') {
// If there is no icon property or it's not an object
if (old_data.icon !== undefined && old_data.icon !== null && typeof old_data.icon === 'object') {
// If there was an icon before restore to the default
marker.setIcon(new LeafletIcon());
if (data.message !== undefined && data.message !== null && typeof data.message === 'string' && data.message !== "") {
marker.bindPopup(data.message, {
autoPan: data.popupOptions ? (data.popupOptions.autoPan ? true : false) : true
} else if (old_data.icon === undefined || old_data.icon === null || typeof old_data.icon !== 'object') {
// The data.icon exists so we create a new icon if there wasn't an icon before
var dragA = false;
if (marker.dragging) {
dragA = marker.dragging.enabled();
if (Helpers.AwesomeMarkersPlugin.is(data.icon)) {
// This icon is a L.AwesomeMarkers.Icon so it is using the AwesomeMarker PlugIn
// As the new icon creates a new DOM object some elements, as drag, are reseted.
} else if (Helpers.Leaflet.DivIcon.is(data.icon) || Helpers.Leaflet.Icon.is(data.icon)) {
// This is a Leaflet.DivIcon or a Leaflet.Icon
} else {
// This icon is a icon set in the model trough options
marker.setIcon(new LeafletIcon(data.icon));
if (dragA) {
if (data.message !== undefined && data.message !== null && typeof data.message === 'string' && data.message !== "") {
marker.bindPopup(data.message, {
autoPan: data.popupOptions ? (data.popupOptions.autoPan ? true : false) : true
} else {
if (Helpers.AwesomeMarkersPlugin.is(data.icon)) {
// This icon is a L.AwesomeMarkers.Icon so it is using the AwesomeMarker PlugIn
if (!Helpers.AwesomeMarkersPlugin.equal(data.icon, old_data.icon)) {
var dragD = false;
if (marker.dragging) {
dragD = marker.dragging.enabled();
// As the new icon creates a new DOM object some elements, as drag, are reseted.
if (dragD) {
//TODO: Improve depending on anchorPopup
// metrostudy
if (marker._popup && marker._popup._isOpen) {
if (data.message !== undefined && data.message !== null && typeof data.message === 'string' && data.message !== "") {
marker.bindPopup(data.message, {
autoPan: data.popupOptions ? (data.popupOptions.autoPan ? true : false) : true
} else if (Helpers.Leaflet.DivIcon.is(data.icon)) {
// This is a Leaflet.DivIcon
if (!Helpers.Leaflet.DivIcon.equal(data.icon, old_data.icon)) {
var dragE = false;
if (marker.dragging) {
dragE = marker.dragging.enabled();
// As the new icon creates a new DOM object some elements, as drag, are reseted.
if (dragE) {
//TODO: Improve depending on anchorPopup
if (data.message !== undefined && data.message !== null && typeof data.message === 'string' && data.message !== "") {
marker.bindPopup(data.message, {
autoPan: data.popupOptions ? (data.popupOptions.autoPan ? true : false) : true
} else if (Helpers.Leaflet.Icon.is(data.icon)) {
// This is a Leaflet.DivIcon
if (!Helpers.Leaflet.Icon.equal(data.icon, old_data.icon)) {
var dragF = false;
if (marker.dragging) {
dragF = marker.dragging.enabled();
// As the new icon creates a new DOM object some elements, as drag, are reseted.
if (dragF) {
//TODO: Improve depending on anchorPopup
// metrostudy
//if (data.message !== undefined && data.message !== null && typeof data.message === 'string' && data.message !== "") {
// marker.bindPopup(data.message, {
// autoPan: data.popupOptions ? (data.popupOptions.autoPan ? true : false) : true
// });
} else {
// This icon is an icon defined in the marker model through options
// There is an icon and there was an icon so if they are different we create a new icon
if (JSON.stringify(data.icon) !== JSON.stringify(old_data.icon)) {
var dragG = false;
if (marker.dragging) {
dragG = marker.dragging.enabled();
marker.setIcon(new LeafletIcon(data.icon));
if (dragG) {
//TODO: Improve depending on anchorPopup
if (data.message !== undefined && data.message !== null && typeof data.message === 'string' && data.message !== "") {
marker.bindPopup(data.message, {
autoPan: data.popupOptions ? (data.popupOptions.autoPan ? true : false) : true
// Update the Popup message property
if (data.message === undefined || data.message === null || typeof data.message !== 'string' || data.message === "") {
// There is no popup to show, so if it has previously existed it must be unbinded
if (old_data.message !== undefined && old_data.message !== null && typeof old_data.message === 'string' && old_data.message !== "") {
} else {
// There is some text in the popup, so we must show the text or update existing
if (old_data.message === undefined || old_data.message === null || typeof old_data.message !== 'string' || old_data.message === "") {
// There was no message before so we create it
marker.bindPopup(data.message, {
autoPan: data.popupOptions ? (data.popupOptions.autoPan ? true : false) : true
} else if (data.message !== old_data.message) {
// There was a different previous message so we update it
// Update the focus property
if (data.focus && !old_data.focus) {
// The data.focus property must be true so we update if there wasn't a previous value or it wasn't true
// Update the lat-lng property (always present in marker properties)
if (data.lat === undefined || data.lat === null || isNaN(data.lat) || typeof data.lat !== 'number' || data.lng === undefined || data.lng === null || isNaN(data.lng) || typeof data.lng !== 'number') {
$log.warn('There are problems with lat-lng data, please verify your marker model');
// Remove the marker from the layers and map if it is not valid
if (layers !== null) {
if (layers.overlays !== undefined && layers.overlays !== null) {
for (var olname in layers.overlays) {
if (layers.overlays[olname] instanceof L.LayerGroup || Helpers.MarkerClusterPlugin.is(layers.overlays[olname])) {
if (layers.overlays[olname].hasLayer(marker)) {
} else {
var cur_latlng = marker.getLatLng();
// On dragend event, scope will be updated, which
// tirggers this watch expression. Then we call
// setLatLng and triggers move event on marker and
// causes digest already in progress error.
// This check is to make sure we don't trigger move
// event manually after dragend, which is redundant
// anyway. Because before dragend event fired, marker
// sate is already updated by leaflet.
if (cur_latlng.lat !== data.lat || cur_latlng.lng !== data.lng) {
// if the marker is in a clustermarker layer it has to be removed and added again to the layer
var isCluster = false;
if (data.layer !== undefined && data.layer !== null && typeof data.layer === 'string') {
if (Helpers.MarkerClusterPlugin.is(layers.overlays[data.layer])) {
isCluster = true;
marker.setLatLng([data.lat, data.lng]);
if (isCluster) {
}, true);
請參閱更新。讓我知道我應該發佈什麼! – texas697
您需要通過'markers ['+ id +']'來訪問標記。數字不是有效的Javascript標識符。如果您需要更具體的建議,請在構建'scope_watch_name'的地方共享代碼。 –
我將整個腳本粘貼在js文件中。我無法弄清楚它在哪裏被定義。 http://plnkr.co/edit/dmxX3vPnHiNQrKCwhUGu?p=catalogue – texas697