2012-09-14 35 views



按照Jetty的文檔,這意味着,但我不明白這是什麼意思?有誰能讓我知道。提前致謝 。

Set the maximum Idle time for a connection, which roughly translates to the Socket.setSoTimeout(int) call, although with NIO implementations other mechanisms may be used to implement the timeout. The max idle time is applied: when waiting for a new request to be received on a connection; when reading the headers and content of a request; when writing the headers and content of a response. Jetty interprets this value as the maximum time between some progress being made on the connection. So if a single byte is read or written, then the timeout (if implemented by jetty) is reset. However, in many instances, the reading/writing is delegated to the JVM, and the semantic is more strictly enforced as the maximum time a single read/write operation can take. Note, that as Jetty supports writes of memory mapped file buffers, then a write may take many 10s of seconds for large content written to a slow device. 






此配置UserServlet擴展碼頭的WebSocketServlet,這WebSocketServlet延伸的HttpServlet,並在那裏爲HttpServlet中沒有得到與maxIdleTime什麼關係?所以我想這個maxIdleTime與Jetty本身有關。 – Pawan


哦,你離開了這一點了!的WebSocket的servlet的Javadoc說 - 該initParameter「maxIdleTime」可以用來設置在毫秒的時間,一個WebSocket的可能是關閉前的閒置。 –