- 寫出必要的私有變量
- 寫出類
List::List(int size)
array = new ItemType[size];
length = 0;
head = array[0];
對於必要的私有變量I wro te:
itemType* array;
int length; //to keep track how many elements are filled
itemType* head; //to create pointer for first element in array
itemType size;
typedef int itemType;
class ListA
List(int size);
pre: an instance of lists exists
post: true if list is empty, false otherwise
bool IsEmpty();
pre: an instance of list exists
post: returns len
gth of the list
int GetLength();
pre: an instance of list exists
post: newItem is at the head of the list
void PutItemH(itemType newItem);
pre: an instance of list exists and is not empty
post: Returns the contents of the head of the list.
itemType GetItemH();
pre: an instance of list exists and is not empty
post: head of the list is deleted
void DeleteItemH();
pre: an instance of list exists an
d is not empty
post: contents of list nodes are displayed on subsequent lines from head to tail
void Print();
Pre: an instance of list exists
Post: returns true if the target is in the list, false otherwise
bool Find(itemType
Pre: an instance of list exists
Post: if a node contains target, the node is deleted and true is returned, else false is returned.
/*bool DeleteItem (itemType target)
#notice that there are no member variables
. See problem 14.
那麼,你的問題到底是什麼?什麼不行?順便說一句,你的'頭'似乎是多餘的,因爲'數組'已經指向頭部,除非你正在做類似圓形隊列的事情。 –
一般來說,調用某個列表並不會使它成爲一個列表。數據類型通過它的行爲,它的方法的語義有效地定義。只能在一個點上添加和刪除元素的容器通常稱爲_stack_。在你的例子中,只有註釋掉的DeleteItem方法不同於堆棧容器的方法。 – MSalters