// create a variable to store the slide index to start at.
startAtSlideIndex = 0;
// see if a tab anchor has been included in the url
if (window.location.hash != '') {
// Set the startAtSlideIndex variable to one less than the ordinal passed
// note: if you have more than 9 slides, this will fall down and you'll
// have to do some more complex string manipulation.
// A querystring variable might be easier, especially if you use
// someone else's url parser ;)
// Important: assumes the format of the hash is '#tabN' where N is the digit we want.
startAtSlideIndex = window.location.hash.substr(4,1)-1;
// other flexslider params
// set the flexslider startAt param to the value of the startAtSlideIndex variable
startAt: startAtSlideIndex
嗨Michael, 感謝您的回答!我很抱歉這麼晚回答。由於這不是我的主要工作,我甚至無法測試它。現在我會彌補並再次報告我。我有一個關於你的代碼的問題:什麼意思是「(4,1)」? 不幸的是,我有超過9張幻燈片...我有什麼要更改代碼? 非常感謝! – CeDe 2013-06-16 13:21:33
哇!它很棒!再次感謝你!我只用了幾張圖片就嘗試過了,但現在我想讓它使用超過9張圖片。請你能告訴我我必須做什麼嗎? – CeDe 2013-06-16 18:25:04