下面的插入代碼在SQL開發人員中工作正常,但在sql plus中失敗。使用pl/sql匿名塊更新表中的列
create table abc(metric varchar2(10), line number(2), text varchar2(2000));
insert into abc
(metric, line, text)
values('abc', 1, q'#declare
k_sid constant varchar2(100) := upper(sys_context('USERENV', 'DB_NAME'));
-- Cusor-FOR-loop over all spy_configs for k_sme ...
for r_stmt in (select k_sid as instance
,k_sme as metric
,'ERROR - spfile-parameter: '||key||' must be set to: '||value||' but is not - please check and change it !!!' as text
from bmw_system.bmw_spy_conf
raise_application_error (-20001, ' - '||sqlcode||' - '||sqlerrm,true);
問候, 和Sandeep
「失敗的SQL加」 嗯? –
一種選擇是將命令保存在文件中,並使用sql plus從文件中執行sql:http://www.techonthenet.com/oracle/questions/script.php –
我從來沒有見過'q' #....#''在之前使用的INSERT值列表中顯示的字符串格式。 –