2012-10-27 89 views


set currentApp to my getCurrentApp() 
activate application "Safari" 
# Some task 
activate application currentApp 

to getCurrentApp() 
set front_app to (path to frontmost application as Unicode text) 
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ":" 
set front_app to front_app's text items 
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {""} --> restore delimiters to default value 
set item_num to (count of front_app) - 1 
set app_name to item item_num of front_app 
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "." 
set app_name to app_name's text items 
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {""} --> restore delimiters to default value 
set MyApp to item 1 of app_name 
return MyApp 
end getCurrentApp 






set currentApp to my getCurrentApp() 
activate application "Safari" 
delay 1 
activate application currentApp 

to getCurrentApp() 
    return (path to frontmost application as text) 
end getCurrentApp 


set currentApp to my getCurrentApp() 
activate application "Safari" 
delay 1 
activate currentApp 

to getCurrentApp() 
    return (path to frontmost application) 
end getCurrentApp 


set currentApp to path to frontmost application 
activate application "Safari" 
delay 1 
activate currentApp 


on getFrontAppPath() 
    set frontAppPath to (path to frontmost application) as text 
    set myPath to (path to me) as text 

    if frontAppPath is myPath then 
      tell application "Finder" to set bundleID to id of file myPath 
      tell application "System Events" to set visible of (first process whose bundle identifier is bundleID) to false 

      -- we need to delay because it takes time for the process to hide 
      -- I noticed this when running the code as an application from the applescript menu bar item 
      set inTime to current date 
       set frontAppPath to (path to frontmost application) as text 
       if frontAppPath is not myPath then exit repeat 
       if (current date) - inTime is greater than 2 then exit repeat 
      end repeat 
     end try 
    end if 
    return frontAppPath 
end getFrontAppPath 

我實際上運行的代碼更簡單得像你的版本,它也適用於我。但是當我在兩者之間做其他事情時,它只是停止工作,爲什麼蘋果電腦很糟糕? http://pastebin.com/gwH99wws – SwiftMatt


我在我的帖子中添加了一個編輯部分來解釋一些東西。看到了。 – regulus6633