2015-12-21 51 views



頁眉和頁腳繼承Body類,可通過初始化Section來訪問。這裏是Office-JS Snippet Explorer的sample

// Run a batch operation against the Word object model. 
Word.run(function (context) { 

    // Create a proxy sectionsCollection object. 
    var mySections = context.document.sections; 

    // Queue a commmand to load the sections. 
    context.load(mySections, 'body/style'); 

    // Synchronize the document state by executing the queued-up commands, 
    // and return a promise to indicate task completion. 
    return context.sync().then(function() { 

     // Create a proxy object the primary header of the first section. 
     // Note that the header is a body object. 
     var myHeader = mySections.items[0].getHeader("primary"); 

     // Queue a command to insert text at the end of the header. 
     myHeader.insertText("This is a header.", Word.InsertLocation.end); 

     // Queue a command to wrap the header in a content control. 

     // Synchronize the document state by executing the queued-up commands, 
     // and return a promise to indicate task completion. 
     return context.sync().then(function() { 
      console.log("Added a header to the first section."); 
.catch(function (error) { 
    console.log('Error: ' + JSON.stringify(error)); 
    if (error instanceof OfficeExtension.Error) { 
     console.log('Debug info: ' + JSON.stringify(error.debugInfo)); 

context.document.sections在API中不存在。這段代碼拋出。 –


您使用的是哪個版本的Word? –


我看到此功能僅適用於Office 2016桌面(&iPad) - 是否有計劃何時進入Office Online? – lgaud