我用Python寫一個腳本處理的NetCDF文件,但我在創建變量面臨着一些問題,這裏是代碼的一部分:的Python的NetCDF IO錯誤:創建NetCDF:創建NetCDF:無效的尺寸ID或名字
stepnumber_var = ofl.createVariable("step_number", "i",("step_number",))
stepnumber_var.standard_name = "step_number"
atomNumber_var = ofl.createVariable("atom_number", "i", ("atom_number",))
atomNumber_var.standard_name = "atom__number"
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "sub_avg.py", line 141, in <module>
atomNumber_var = ofl.createVariable("atom_number", "i", ("atom_number",))
IOError: netcdf: NetCDF: Invalid dimension ID or name
from array import array
import os
import sys
import math
import string as st
import numpy as N
from Scientific.IO.NetCDF import NetCDFFile as S
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
sys.exit("No input file found. \nPlease privide NetCDF trajectory input file")
## Open NetCDF file ###
infl = S(sys.argv[1], 'r')
file = sys.argv[1]
title,ext = file.split(".")
#for v in infl.variables: # Lists the variables in file
# print(v)
# Variable "configurations" has the structure [step_number, atom_number, x y z] #
varShape = infl.variables['configuration'].shape # This gets the shape of the variable, i.e. the dimension in terms of elements
nSteps = varShape[0]
nAtoms = varShape[1]
coordX_atom = N.zeros((nSteps,nAtoms))
coordY_atom = N.zeros((nSteps,nAtoms))
coordZ_atom = N.zeros((nSteps,nAtoms))
sumX = [0] * nAtoms
sumY = [0] * nAtoms
sumZ = [0] * nAtoms
# 1) Calculate the average structure fron trajectory #
for i in range(0, 3):
for j in range(0, 3):
coordX_atom[i][j] = infl.variables["configuration"][i,j,0]
coordY_atom[i][j] = infl.variables["configuration"][i,j,1]
coordZ_atom[i][j] = infl.variables["configuration"][i,j,2]
sumX[j] = sumX[j] + coordX_atom[i][j]
sumY[j] = sumY[j] + coordY_atom[i][j]
sumZ[j] = sumZ[j] + coordZ_atom[i][j]
avgX = [0] * nAtoms
avgY = [0] * nAtoms
avgZ = [0] * nAtoms
for j in range(0, 3):
avgX[j] = sumX[j]/nSteps
avgY[j] = sumY[j]/nSteps
avgZ[j] = sumZ[j]/nSteps
# 2) Subtract average structure to each atom and for each frame #
for i in range(0, 3):
for j in range(0, 3):
coordX_atom[i][j] = infl.variables["configuration"][i,j,0] - avgX[j]
coordY_atom[i][j] = infl.variables["configuration"][i,j,1] - avgY[j]
coordZ_atom[i][j] = infl.variables["configuration"][i,j,2] - avgZ[j]
# 3) Write new NetCDF trajectory file #
ofl = S(title + "_subAVG.nc", "a")
# Get information of variables contained in the NetCDF input file
i = 0
for v in infl.variables:
varNames = [v for v in infl.variables]
i += 1
# Respectively get, elements names in variable, dimension of elements and lenght of the array variableNames
for v in infl.variables["box_size"].dimensions:
boxSizeNames = [v for v in infl.variables["box_size"].dimensions]
for v in infl.variables["box_size"].shape:
boxSizeShape = [v for v in infl.variables["box_size"].shape]
boxSizeLenght = boxSizeNames.__len__()
print boxSizeLenght
for v in infl.variables["step"].dimensions:
stepNames = [v for v in infl.variables["step"].dimensions]
for v in infl.variables["step"].shape:
stepShape = [v for v in infl.variables["box_size"].shape]
stepLenght = stepNames.__len__()
print stepLenght
for v in infl.variables["configuration"].dimensions:
configurationNames = [v for v in infl.variables["configuration"].dimensions]
for v in infl.variables["configuration"].shape:
configurationShape = [v for v in infl.variables["configuration"].shape]
configurationLenght = configurationNames.__len__()
print configurationLenght
for v in infl.variables["description"].dimensions:
descriptionNames = [v for v in infl.variables["description"].dimensions]
for v in infl.variables["description"].shape:
descriptionShape = [v for v in infl.variables["description"].shape]
descriptionLenght = descriptionNames.__len__()
print descriptionLenght
for v in infl.variables["time"].dimensions:
timeNames = [v for v in infl.variables["time"].dimensions]
for v in infl.variables["time"].shape:
timeShape = [v for v in infl.variables["time"].shape]
timeLenght = timeNames.__len__()
print timeLenght
#Get Box size
xBox = infl.variables["box_size"][0,0]
yBox = infl.variables["box_size"][0,1]
zBox = infl.variables["box_size"][0,2]
# Get description lenght
description_lenghtLenght = infl.variables["description"][:]
# Create Dimensions
stepnumber_var = ofl.createVariable("step_number", "i",("step_number",))
stepnumber_var.standard_name = "step_number"
atomNumber_var = ofl.createVariable("atom_number", "i", ("atom_number",))
atomNumber_var.standard_name = "atom__number"
#xyz_var = ofl.createVariable("xyz", "f",("xyz",))
#xyz_var.units = "nanometers"
#xyz_var.standard_name = "xyz"
#configuration_var = ofl.createVariable("configuration", "f", ("step_number", "atom_number", "xyz"))
#configuration_var.units = "nanometers"
#configuration_var.standard_name = "configuration"
#print configuration_var.shape
#step_var = ofl.createVariable("box_size_lenght", 3)
#configuration_var = ofl.createVariable("atom_number", nAtoms)
#description_var = ofl.createVariable("xyz", 3)
#time_var = ofl.createVariable(description_lenght, description_lenghtLenght)
#a = infl.variables["step_number"].dimensions.keys()
#print a
你願意發佈更多的代碼嗎?您的小片段中沒有足夠的信息可用,除非您可能尚未創建atom_number維度。謝謝! –
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尺寸「atom_number」是否可能在輸入文件中不存在?如果沒有,您可能需要創建它。另外,如果你正在向netCDF文件添加新的東西,你應該以「w」模式打開它,而不是「r」模式(在第14行左右)。您嘗試閱讀的文件有多大? –