2011-04-06 16 views


#include <limits.h> 
#include <type_traits> 
//This is from file "Static_limits.h" 
template<class T>struct static_numeric_limits; 
template<>struct static_numeric_limits<signed char> 
    enum {min = SCHAR_MIN,max = SCHAR_MAX}; 
/*This "surplus" template is here for the reason that char is threated diferently from signed char */ 
template<>struct static_numeric_limits<char> 
    enum {min = SCHAR_MIN,max = SCHAR_MAX}; 
template<>struct static_numeric_limits<unsigned char> 
    enum {min = 0x0,max = UCHAR_MAX}; 
template<>struct static_numeric_limits<unsigned short> 
    enum {min = 0x0,max = USHRT_MAX}; 
template<>struct static_numeric_limits<signed short> 
    enum {min = SHRT_MIN,max = SHRT_MAX}; 
template<>struct static_numeric_limits<unsigned int> 
    enum {min = 0x0,max = UINT_MAX}; 
template<>struct static_numeric_limits<signed int> 
    enum {min = INT_MIN,max = INT_MAX}; 
template<>struct static_numeric_limits<unsigned long> 
    enum {min = 0x0,max = ULONG_MAX}; 
template<>struct static_numeric_limits<signed long> 
    enum {min = LONG_MIN,max = LONG_MAX}; 
template<>struct static_numeric_limits<unsigned long long> 
    static const long long min = 0x0; 
    static const long long max = ULLONG_MAX; 
template<>struct static_numeric_limits<signed long long> 
#define LLONG_MAX  9223372036854775807LL 
    /* maximum signed long long int value */ 
    static const long long min = LLONG_MIN; 
    static const long long max = LLONG_MAX; 
//This is from main.cpp 
typedef unsigned long long uint_64; 
typedef signed long long int_64; 
/*Validates range*/ 
template<class IntType, uint_64 value_,bool C = std::is_signed<IntType>::value> 
struct validate_range; 
template<class IntType,uint_64 value_> 
struct validate_range<IntType,value_,true> 
    enum {value = (static_cast<int_64>(value_) >= static_numeric_limits<IntType>::min) && 
        (static_cast<int_64>(value_) <= static_numeric_limits<IntType>::max) 
template<class IntType,uint_64 value_> 
struct validate_range<IntType,value_,false> 
    enum {value = (value_ >= static_numeric_limits<IntType>::min) && 
        (value_ <= static_numeric_limits<IntType>::max) 
template<class IntType, IntType value> 
struct Range 
    const IntType value_; 
    const IntType getRange()const 
     return value_; 
}  public: 
    //this static assert in here won't work even though this class is a base class for Low 
    static_assert((validate_range<IntType, value>::value),"Value constant is out of range"); 
template<class IntType, IntType value> 
struct Low : private Range<IntType,value>//HERE Range IS INHERITED BY Low 
    const IntType getLowRange()const 
     return Range<IntType,value>::getRange(); 
template<typename IntType, uint_64 low_range> 
struct X : public Low<IntType,low_range> 
    //static_assert((validate_range<IntType, Value>::value),"Value constant is out of range");//this static doesn't work if placed in Low's base class namely Range  }; 
    int main(int argc, char** argv) 
     X<unsigned char, -2> x4;//this should fail 
     return 0; 

所以基本上我在這裏問的是爲什麼static_assert((validate_range :: value),...如果放置在Range結構中不起作用,而這又是Low的基類,而這又是X的基類,但是如果放置直接在struct X EDITED


當你說它「不起作用」時會發生什麼? – 2011-04-06 13:12:25


你至少需要一個'#include '在上面才能編譯。我仍然無法讓它在g ++上編譯(使用'-std = C++ 0x')。 'std :: is_signed '應該是'std :: numeric_limits :: is_signed',並且'low_range'被引用,但是沒有在任何地方定義。 – 2011-04-06 13:15:58


有幾個拼寫錯誤(可能?或者是缺少代碼,比如'low_range'),如果你用簡單的英文說明你想要達到的目的,這可能會有所幫助。 – 2011-04-06 13:20:22




test.cpp:115:45: error: use of undeclared identifier 'Value'; did you mean 'value'? 
    static_assert((validate_range<IntType, Value>::value),"Value constant is out of range"); 
test.cpp:99:37: note: 'value' declared here 
    template<class IntType, IntType value> 
test.cpp:127:39: error: use of undeclared identifier 'low_range' 
     struct X : public Low<IntType,low_range> 
test.cpp:128:9: error: expected class name 
3 errors generated. 




哇,令人印象深刻的錯誤信息 - 「你的意思是'價值'?」 :-)鏗鏘我猜。 – 2011-04-06 13:58:38


你是對的:鏗鏘。該團隊強調質量錯誤消息,它**真的**顯示! :-) – 2011-04-06 14:09:22


哦,男人,'錯誤:','注:'和'^'是彩色編碼的! – 2011-04-06 15:25:10