2013-09-05 80 views

我正在開發一個打印頁面,其中我們必須顯示所有的報告圖。多個ajax調用jquery mvc

每個客戶的圖表數量是不同的。 所以,我爲每個可用的圖形寫jQuery腳本如下:

buildJQs: function() { 

     $(".emailgraphs").each(function() { 
      YAHOO.Report.Print("Email", $(this).attr("responsefield"), $(this).attr("id"), $(this).attr("metricid")) 

Print: function (name, graphid, divid, metricid) { 

     try { 
       type: "POST", 
       contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", 
       url: m_oReport.ds, 
       async: false, 
       timeout: 300, 
       data: JSON.stringify(m_oReport.printp(name, graphid, metricid)), 
       beforeSend: function() { 
        //Displays loading image before request send, till we get response. 
        //$("#" + divId).addClass("loading"); 
       cache: false, 
       success: function (data) { 
        // if they define a success function (s), call it and return data to it. 
        if (typeof m_oReport.prints === "function") { 
         //$("#" + divId).removeClass("loading"); 

         m_oReport.prints(data, divid, name, metricid) 
       error: function (err) { 
        $("#" + divid).html(err); 
     catch (err) { alert("catch"); } 





任何想法請? – mmssaann


檢查這是否有幫助http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10877438/jqplot-chart-using-asp-net-mvc-json – ali




buildJQs: function() { 

    var deferreds = [], deferred; 
    $(".emailgraphs").each(function() { 

     deferred = YAHOO.Report.Print("Email", $(this).attr("responsefield"), $(this).attr("id"), $(this).attr("metricid")); 

    $.when.apply(null, deferreds).done(function() { 
     alert('all done'); 

Print: function (name, graphid, divid, metricid) { 

     try { 
      return $.ajax({ 
       type: "POST", 
       contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", 
       url: m_oReport.ds, 
       //async: false, <- remove, this is a problem 
       timeout: 300, 
       data: JSON.stringify(m_oReport.printp(name, graphid, metricid)), 
       beforeSend: function() { 
        //Displays loading image before request send, till we get response. 
        //$("#" + divId).addClass("loading"); 
       cache: false, 
       success: function (data) { 
        // if they define a success function (s), call it and return data to it. 
        if (typeof m_oReport.prints === "function") { 
         //$("#" + divId).removeClass("loading"); 

         m_oReport.prints(data, divid, name, metricid) 
       error: function (err) { 
        $("#" + divid).html(err); 

     catch (err) { alert("catch"); } 
     return null; 

謝謝你的回答總是得到未定義的延遲行 - 延期=「YAHOO.Report.Print」(「Email」,$(this).attr(「responsefield」),$(this).attr(「id」),$(this).attr(「metricid」)); deferreds.push(延遲); – mmssaann


你使用的是什麼版本的jQuery?爲什麼你用'try' ...'catch'? –


'YAHOO.Report.Print'是'Print:function(name,graphid,divid,metricid)'? –