Private TypeTask As Threading.Tasks.Task
Private TypeTaskCTS As New Threading.CancellationTokenSource
Private TypeTaskCT As Threading.CancellationToken = TypeTaskCTS.Token
Private RequestCancel As Boolean = True
Private Sub TypeWritter(ByVal CancellationToken As Threading.CancellationToken,
ByVal [Text] As String,
ByVal TypeSpeed As Integer,
ByVal PauseSpeed As Integer)
' For each Character in text to type...
For Each c As Char In [Text]
' If not want to cancel then...
If Not CancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested Then
' Type the character.
' Type-Wait.
If ".,;:".Contains(c) Then
' Pause-Wait.
End If
Else ' want to cancel.
' Reset the request cancellation.
RequestCancel = False
' Exit iteration.
Exit For
End If ' CancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested
Next c ' As Char In [Text]
End Sub
Public Sub TypeWritter(ByVal [Text] As String,
Optional ByVal TypeSpeed As Integer = 75,
Optional ByVal PauseSpeed As Integer = 400)
' Run the asynchronous Task.
TypeTask = Threading.Tasks.
TypeWritter(TypeTaskCT, [Text], TypeSpeed, PauseSpeed)
End Sub, TypeTaskCT)
' Until Task is not completed or is not cancelled, do...
Do Until TypeTask.IsCompleted OrElse TypeTask.IsCanceled
If RequestCancel Then
If Not TypeTaskCTS.IsCancellationRequested Then
End If
RequestCancel = False
Exit Do
End If
Loop ' TypeTask.IsCompleted OrElse TypeTask.IsCanceled
End Sub
Public Sub TypeWritterLine(ByVal [Text] As String,
Optional ByVal TypeSpeed As Integer = 75,
Optional ByVal PauseSpeed As Integer = 400)
TypeWritter([Text] & vbCrLf, TypeSpeed, PauseSpeed)
End Sub
Private RequestCancel As Boolean = True
Sub Main()
RequestCancel = True ' This should cancel this task:
TypeWritterLine("Some text")
' And this task should run as normally, but it doesn't, I get an empty line:
TypeWritterLine("Some other text")
End Sub
'爲了「重新運行」一個任務,你將不得不再次調用Task.Factory.StartNew方法'是的,但我認爲這已經是我在我的代碼中每次調用該方法的時候...'TypeTask = Threading.Tasks.Factory.StartNew(Sub()...' – ElektroStudios
我創建了一個簡單的例子,它可以多次啓動一些任務,執行完成後,我試着運行你的代碼,這樣做後,我注意到你總是工作使用相同的cancellationToken實例當第一次取消一個任務時,這個令牌會記住已經有一個取消請求,並且進一步的任務不會被執行,確保你使用了一個CancellationTokenSource和CancellationToken的新實例,然後它會工作 –
謝謝你這麼多。 – ElektroStudios