基本上,我有一個的Android 1.9的PhoneGap項目,使用API 15(這事就發生在API 10以及)和logcat的日誌具有QTAGUID無情的垃圾郵件,特別是從我的應用程序。
08-04 14:31:30.092: I/qtaguid(15542): Failed write_ctrl(u 118) res=-1 errno=22
08-04 14:31:30.092: I/qtaguid(15542): Untagging socket 118 failed errno=-22
08-04 14:31:30.092: I/qtaguid(15542): Failed write_ctrl(u 123) res=-1 errno=22
08-04 14:31:30.092: I/qtaguid(15542): Untagging socket 123 failed errno=-22
08-04 14:31:36.338: I/qtaguid(15542): Failed write_ctrl(u 116) res=-1 errno=22
08-04 14:31:36.338: I/qtaguid(15542): Untagging socket 116 failed errno=-22
08-04 14:31:36.368: I/qtaguid(15542): Failed write_ctrl(t 116 43082816946176 1074812240) res=-1 errno=1
08-04 14:31:36.368: I/qtaguid(15542): Tagging socket 116 with tag 272f00000000(10031) for uid 1074812240 failed errno=-1
08-04 14:31:36.368: I/qtaguid(15542): Failed write_ctrl(t 118 43082816946176 1074812240) res=-1 errno=1
08-04 14:31:36.368: I/qtaguid(15542): Tagging socket 118 with tag 272f00000000(10031) for uid 1074812240 failed errno=-1
08-04 14:31:36.378: I/qtaguid(15542): Failed write_ctrl(t 123 43082816946176 1074812240) res=-1 errno=1
08-04 14:31:36.378: I/qtaguid(15542): Tagging socket 123 with tag 272f00000000(10031) for uid 1074812240 failed errno=-1
08-04 14:31:46.388: I/qtaguid(15542): Failed write_ctrl(u 116) res=-1 errno=22
08-04 14:31:46.388: I/qtaguid(15542): Untagging socket 116 failed errno=-22
08-04 14:31:46.388: I/qtaguid(15542): Failed write_ctrl(u 118) res=-1 errno=22
08-04 14:31:46.388: I/qtaguid(15542): Untagging socket 118 failed errno=-22
08-04 14:31:46.388: I/qtaguid(15542): Failed write_ctrl(u 123) res=-1 errno=22
08-04 14:31:46.388: I/qtaguid(15542): Untagging socket 123 failed errno=-22
08-04 14:31:46.438: I/qtaguid(15542): Failed write_ctrl(t 116 43082816946176 825047349) res=-1 errno=1
08-04 14:31:46.438: I/qtaguid(15542): Tagging socket 116 with tag 272f00000000(10031) for uid 825047349 failed errno=-1
08-04 14:31:46.448: I/qtaguid(15542): Failed write_ctrl(t 118 43082816946176 825047349) res=-1 errno=1
08-04 14:31:46.448: I/qtaguid(15542): Tagging socket 118 with tag 272f00000000(10031) for uid 825047349 failed errno=-1
08-04 14:31:46.448: I/qtaguid(15542): Failed write_ctrl(t 123 43082816946176 825047349) res=-1 errno=1
08-04 14:31:46.448: I/qtaguid(15542): Tagging socket 123 with tag 272f00000000(10031) for uid 825047349 failed errno=-1
08-04 14:31:56.458: I/qtaguid(15542): Failed write_ctrl(u 116) res=-1 errno=22
08-04 14:31:56.458: I/qtaguid(15542): Untagging socket 116 failed errno=-22
08-04 14:31:56.458: I/qtaguid(15542): Failed write_ctrl(u 118) res=-1 errno=22
08-04 14:31:56.458: I/qtaguid(15542): Untagging socket 118 failed errno=-22
08-04 14:31:56.458: I/qtaguid(15542): Failed write_ctrl(u 123) res=-1 errno=22
08-04 14:31:56.458: I/qtaguid(15542): Untagging socket 123 failed errno=-22
08-04 14:31:56.508: I/qtaguid(15542): Failed write_ctrl(t 116 43082816946176 771781733) res=-1 errno=1
08-04 14:31:56.508: I/qtaguid(15542): Tagging socket 116 with tag 272f00000000(10031) for uid 771781733 failed errno=-1
08-04 14:31:56.508: I/qtaguid(15542): Failed write_ctrl(t 118 43082816946176 771781733) res=-1 errno=1
08-04 14:31:56.508: I/qtaguid(15542): Tagging socket 118 with tag 272f00000000(10031) for uid 771781733 failed errno=-1
08-04 14:31:56.518: I/qtaguid(15542): Failed write_ctrl(t 123 43082816946176 771781733) res=-1 errno=1
08-04 14:31:56.518: I/qtaguid(15542): Tagging socket 123 with tag 272f00000000(10031) for uid 771781733 failed errno=-1
這發生在我工作過的兩個項目中。 PhoneGap的開發意味着讓我的腳步變得更加潮溼。那個項目非常簡單,沒有什麼先進的。基本上所有它會做的是POST到一個網站,並處理響應。它純粹是在javascript方面開發的。它傳播相同的QTAGUID消息。
該項目都是jquery 1.7/jquerymobile 1.1.1
和科爾多瓦。 (舊項目是科爾多瓦1.6,新的是1.9)
聽起來像內核和iptables有問題?你使用的是什麼android版本? – t0mm13b 2012-08-04 19:13:04
4.0.3,ICS我有一個HTC Evo 3D,在羅傑斯網絡(加拿大) – Rakshasas 2012-08-04 20:44:35
這也只發生在我的2個項目。對於QTAGUID,我沒有收到來自任何其他正在運行的應用程序的消息。 – Rakshasas 2012-08-05 20:18:37