2012-09-27 42 views



* jQuery ContextMenu 
* http://www.userdot.net/#!/jquery 
* Copyright 2011, UserDot www.userdot.net 
* Licensed under the GPL Version 3 license. 
* Version 1.0.0 
(function($) { 
    var classes = { 
     popupDiv : 'uctxMenu', 
     separator : 'separator', 
     hover : 'hover', 
     disabled : 'disabled' 
    defaults = { 
     menu : null, 
     mouseButton : 'left', 
     isMenu : true, 
     minWidth : 120, 
     maxWidth : 0, 
     delay : 500, 
     keyboard : true, 
     hoverIntent : true, 
     onSelect : function(item) {}, 
     onLoad : function() {alert("click")}, 
     onShow : function() {}, 
     onHide : function() {} 
    menus = [], 
    methods = { 
     init : function(options) { 
      options = $.extend({}, defaults, options); 
      if (!options.menu) { 
       return false; 
      var $menu; 
      if ((typeof(options.menu) === 'object') && (options.menu.constructor.toString().match(/array/i) !== null || options.menu.length)) { 
       $menu = $('<div/>').append(buildMenu(options.menu)); 
       $menu.data('uctxDynamic', true); 
      else { 
       $menu = $(document.getElementById(options.menu)); 
       $menu.data('uctxDynamic', false); 
       $menu.data('uctxOriginal', $menu.clone()); 
      return this.each(function() { 
       var $this = $(this), 
       if (!$this.data('uctxMenu')) {   
        eventNamespace = "uctxContext-" + (new Date().getTime()); 
        $this.data('uctxEventNamespace', eventNamespace) 
        .data('uctxOptions', options) 
        .data('uctxMenu', $menu) 
        .data('uctxEnable', true); 
        $menu.data('isMenu', options.isMenu);   
        if (! $menu.data('uctxOwners')) { 
         $menu.data('uctxOwners', []); 
        if (options.isMenu) { 
        else { 
          'position' : 'absolute', 
          'z-index' : 99999 
        $this.bind((((options.mouseButton === 'right') ? 'contextmenu' : 'click') + '.' + eventNamespace), function(e){  
         if (! $this.data('uctxEnable')) { 
          return true; 
         methods.show.apply($this, [e.pageX, e.pageY, options.showAnimation]);  
         if (options.isMenu && options.keyboard) {   
          $(window).bind('keydown.' + eventNamespace, function(even){ 
           var $currentItem; 
           switch (event.keyCode) { 
            case 27: 
             $(document).trigger('click.' + eventNamespace); 
            case 40: 
             if ($menu.find('li.' + classes.hover).length === 0) { 
             else { 
              $currentItem = $menu.find('li.' + classes.hover + ':last'); 
              $currentItem.parent().find('li.' + classes.hover).removeClass(classes.hover).nextAll('li:not(.disabled)').eq(0).addClass(classes.hover); 
              if ($currentItem.parent().find('li.' + classes.hover).length === 0) { 
             return false; 
            case 38: 
             if ($menu.find('li.' + classes.hover).length === 0) { 
             else { 
              $currentItem = $menu.find('li.' + classes.hover + ':last'); 
              $currentItem.parent().find('li.' + classes.hover).removeClass(classes.hover).prevAll('LI:not(.disabled)').eq(0).addClass(classes.hover); 
              if ($currentItem.parent().find('li.' + classes.hover).length === 0) { 
             return false; 
            case 39: 
             if ($menu.find('li.' + classes.hover + ' ul').length > 0) { 
              $menu.find('li.' + classes.hover + ':last').find('ul:first').show().offset(forceViewport({ 
               top: $menu.find('li.' + classes.hover + ':last').offset().top 
              }, $menu.find('li.' + classes.hover + ':last').find('ul:first'))); 
              $menu.find('li.' + classes.hover + ':last ul:first li:not(.disabled):first').addClass(classes.hover); 
             return false; 
            case 37: 
             if (!$menu.find('li.' + classes.hover + ':last').parent().parent().hasClass(classes.popupDiv)) { 
              $menu.find('li.' + classes.hover + ':last').removeClass(classes.hover).parent().hide(); 
             return false; 
           return true; 
         else { 
          if (options.keyboard) { 
           $(window).bind('keydown.' + eventNamespace, function(even){ 
            if (event.keyCode === 27) { 
             $(document).trigger('click.' + eventNamespace); 
         $('li', $menu).each(function() { 
          $(this).click(function() { 
           if (!$(this).hasClass(classes.disabled)) { 
            options.onSelect.call(this, { 
             id : $(this).attr('id'), 
             action : $('a:first', this).attr('href').substr(1) 
         $(document).bind('click.' + eventNamespace, function(e){ 
          $(window).unbind('keydown.' + eventNamespace); 
          $(document).unbind('click.' + eventNamespace); 
          $('li', $menu).unbind('click'); 
         return false; 
     refresh : function(options) { 
      var opts; 
      return this.each(function() { 
       var $this = $(this), 
       $menu = $this.data('uctxMenu'), 
       if ($this.data('uctxMenu').data('isMenu')) { 
        opts = $.extend($this.data('uctxOptions'), options); 
        if (opts.hoverIntent && ! $.fn.hoverIntent) { 
         opts.hoverIntent = false; 
        $('li', $menu).removeClass(classes.hover); 
        $('span', $menu).remove(); 
        $widthTest = $('<div/>').addClass(classes.popupDiv).appendTo('body');  
        $('ul', $menu).each(function() { 
         calculatedWidth = 0;  
         calculatedWidth = $widthTest.width() + 16; 
         if (calculatedWidth < opts.minWidth) { 
          calculatedWidth = opts.minWidth; 
         if (calculatedWidth > opts.maxWidth && opts.maxWidth > 0){ 
          calculatedWidth = opts.maxWidth; 
         $(this).children('li').children('ul').css('left', calculatedWidth); 
        $('li:has(ul)', $menu).each(function(){ 
         if (! $(this).hasClass(classes.disabled)) { 
          $('a:first', this).append($('<span/>')); 
          if (opts.hoverIntent) { 
            over : function() { 
             $('ul:first', this).show().offset(forceViewport({ 
              top: $(this).offset().top 
             }, $('ul:first',this))); 
            out : function() { 
             $('ul:first', this).hide(); 
            timeout : opts.delay 
          else { 
           $(this).hover(function() { 
            $('ul:first', this).show().offset(forceViewport({ 
             top: $(this).offset().top 
            }, $(this).find('ul:first'))); 
           }, function() { 
            $('ul:first', this).hide(); 
        $('li', $menu).each(function() { 
         $(this).click(function() { 
          if ($('ul', this).length < 1) { 
           $('li', $menu).unbind('click'); 
          return false; 
         $(this).hover(function() { 
          $(this).parent().find('li.' + classes.hover).removeClass(classes.hover); 
         }, function() { 
     restore : function() { 
      return this.each(function() { 
       var $this = $(this), 
       $menu = $this.data('uctxMenu'); 
       $this.unbind('.' + $this.data('uctxEventNamespace')); 
       $(window).unbind('keydown.' + $this.data('uctxEventNamespace')); 
       $(document).unbind('click.' + $this.data('uctxEventNamespace')); 
       $.each($menu.data('uctxOwners'), function(index) { 
        if ($this[0] === this) { 
         $menu.data('uctxOwners').splice(index, 1); 
       if ($menu.data('uctxOwners').length < 1) { 
        $.each(menus, function(index) { 
         if ($menu[0] === this) { 
          menus.splice(index, 1); 
        if ($menu.data('uctxDynamic')) { 
        else { 
     show : function(x, y) { 
      if (!x || !y) { 
       $.error('The position for the menu has not been specified'); 
       return false; 
      var $menu = $(this).first().data('uctxMenu'); 
      $menu.data('uctxMenu', $(this)); 
       top : y, 
       left: x 
      }, $menu, true)); 
      return this;  
     hide : function() { 
      $.each(menus, function() { 
       $('.' + classes.hover, this).removeClass(classes.hover); 
       $('ul:first ul', this).hide(); 
       if ($(this).data('uctxMenu')) { 
      return this; 
     disable : function(item) { 
      if (item) { 
       var $menu = $(this).data('uctxMenu'); 
       if (item.charAt(0) === '#') { 
        $('li' + item.replace(/ /g,'_'), $menu).addClass(classes.disabled); 
       else { 
        $('a[href="' + item + '"]', $menu).parent().addClass(classes.disabled); 
      else { 
       $(this).data('uctxEnable', false); 
      return this; 
     enable : function(item) { 
      if (item) { 
       var $menu = $(this).data('uctxMenu'); 
       if (item.charAt(0) === '#') { 
        $('li' + item.replace(/ /g,'_'), $menu).removeClass(classes.disabled); 
       else { 
        $('a[href="' + item + '"]', $menu).parent().removeClass(classes.disabled); 
      else { 
       $(this).data('uctxEnable', true); 
       $('li', this).each(function() { 
      return this;  
    forceViewport = function(position, o, mouse) { 
     if (position.top) { 
      if ((position.top + o.height() - $(window).scrollTop()) > $(window).height()) { 
       if (mouse) { 
        position.top = position.top - o.height(); 
       else { 
        position.top = $(window).height() + $(window).scrollTop() - o.height(); 
      if (position.top < $(window).scrollTop()) { 
       position.top = $(window).scrollTop(); 
     if (position.left) { 
      if ((position.left + o.width() - $(window).scrollLeft() > $(window).width())) { 
       position.left = $(window).width() - o.width() + $(window).scrollLeft(); 
      if (position.left < $(window).scrollLeft()) { 
       position.left = $(window).scrollLeft(); 
     return position; 
    buildMenu = function(children) { 
     var ul = $('<ul/>'), entry, item, li; 
     if (children) { 
      for (entry in children) { 
       item = children[entry]; 
       li = $('<li/>').attr('id' , item.id.replace(/ /g,'_')).append($('<a/>').attr('href', item.action?('#' + item.action):'#').text(item.text)); 
       if (item.image) { 
        li.prepend($('<img/>').attr('src', item.image)); 
       if (item.separator) { 
       if (item.children) { 
     return ul; 
    $.fn.contextMenu = function(method) { 
     if (methods[method]) { 
      return methods[ method ].apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)); 
     else if (typeof method === 'object' || ! method) { 
      return methods.init.apply(this, arguments); 
     else { 
      $.error('Method ' + method + ' does not exist on jQuery.contextmenu'); 
      return this; 


<g:itemLink id="itemsearch_${cmItemInstance.id}_${i}" itemId="${cmItemInstance.id}" > ${clientDisplayName}</g:itemLink> 
<ul id="myMenu_${cmItemInstance.id}_${i}" class="contextMenu"> 
    <li class="open"><g:itemLink id="openclaim_${cmItemInstance.id}_${i}" itemId="${cmItemInstance.id}" itemDataTip="false">Open Claim</g:itemLink></li> 
    <li class="transfer"><g:link action="transferItem" params="${[cm_item: cmItemInstance.id ] }" >Transfer Claim</g:link></li> 
    <li class="delete"><g:link action="deleteItem" params="${[cm_item: cmItemInstance.id ] }" >Delete Item</g:link></li> 
    $("#VSO_Item_itemsearch_${cmItemInstance.id}_${i}").parent().contextMenu({ menu: 'myMenu_${cmItemInstance.id}_${i}' }); 




<li class="open" ><a href="#" onclick="<g:itemLink asFunctionCall="true" id="openclaim_${cmItemInstance.id}_${i}" itemId="${cmItemInstance.id}" itemDataTip="false" />"> Open Claim </a></li> 
<li class="transfer"><g:link onclick="window.open(this.href, '_self')" action="transferItem" params="${[cm_item: cmItemInstance.id ] }" >Transfer Claim</g:link></li> 
<li class="delete"><g:link onclick="window.open(this.href, '_self')" action="deleteItem" params="${[cm_item: cmItemInstance.id ] }" >Delete Item</g:link></li> 