#import Web, Reg. Exp, and Operating System libraries
import urllib, re, os
#RegExp for the EndNum variable
RegExp = re.compile('.*<img src="http://www.questionablecontent.net/comics.*')
#Check the main QC page
site = urllib.urlopen("http://questionablecontent.net/")
contentLine = None
#For each line in the homepage's source...
for line in site.readlines():
#Break when you find the variable information
if RegExp.search(line):
contentLine = line
#IF the information was found successfuly automatically change EndNum
#ELSE set it to the latest comic as of this writing
if contentLine:
contentLine = contentLine.split('/')
contentLine = contentLine[4].split('.')
EndNum = int(contentLine[0])
EndNum = 2622
#First and Last comics user wishes to download
StartNum = 1
#EndNum = 2622
#Full path of destination folder needs to pre-exist
destinationFolder = "D:\Downloads\Comics\Questionable Content"
#XRange creates an iterator to go over the comics
for i in xrange(StartNum, EndNum+1):
#IF you already have the comic, skip downloading it
if os.path.exists(destinationFolder+"\\"+str(i)+".png"):
print "Skipping Comic "+str(i)+"..."
#Printing User-Friendly Messages
print "Comic %d Found. Downloading..." % i
source = "http://www.questionablecontent.net/comics/"+str(i)+".png"
#Save image from XKCD to Destination Folder as a PNG (As most comics are PNGs)
urllib.urlretrieve(source, os.path.join(destinationFolder, str(i)+".png"))
#Graceful program termination
print str(EndNum-StartNum) + " Comics Downloaded"
謝謝,在那裏給它一個旋風,似乎工作得很好。再次感謝! – Ultrin