我想解決以下代碼(主要問題是,我無法獲得範圍顯示),我已經包含一個日誌命令顯示正在打印出。當我運行doGet()並轉到View> Logs時,它會顯示:「[16-10-07 17:31:19:145 EDT] number:Range」問題與控制檯日誌谷歌應用程序腳本
sheet.getRange(「H1:DE1」 )是指具有日期的行的一部分。它不應該列出該行的內容嗎?
function doGet() {
// The code below opens a spreadsheet using its id and logs the name for it.
// Note that the spreadsheet is NOT physically opened on the client side.
// It is opened on the server only (for modification by the script).
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl('https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1aCXXXXXXXXXXXXw61H6VuigRf6YykW8O6A0WWmG46VO7ijI/edit#gid=1673918325');
var sheet = ss.getSheets()[1];
var range = sheet.getRange("H1:DE1");
Logger.log('number for you: %s', range);
// Calling this method with "true" sets the first line to be the title of the axes
var datatable = range.getDataTable(true);
// Note that this doesn't build an EmbeddedChart, so we can't just use
// Sheet#insertChart(). If we want to do that, we should use
// sheet.newChart().addRange() instead.
var chart = Charts.newBarChart()
.setOption("title", "Your Title Here")
var app = UiApp.createApplication();