上午從檢索通過Ajax調用數據庫的帖子,並與jQuery和JSON顯示他們,我想實現一個負載更多的功能,讓用戶看到更多內容而無需刷新頁面。 在我試圖在這個我硬編碼的JavaScript函數使ajax請求的偏移量,所以函數不斷加載相同的職位。 這就是笨控制器加載更多功能
function latest_pheeds($offset = 0) {
//Confirm if a user is logged before allowing access
if($this->isLogged() == true) {
$limit = 20;
//user id
$user_id = $this->session->userdata('user_id');
//Load the date helper to calculate time difference between post time and current time
//Current time(unix timetamp)
$time = time();
$pheeds = array();
$dt = $this->pheed_model->get_latest_pheeds($limit,$offset);
$data = $dt['pheeds'];
if($data != false && !empty($data)) {
//total no of pheeds
$total_rows = $dt['total']
foreach($data as $pheed) {
$row['pheed_id'] = $pheed->pheed_id;
$row['user_id'] = $this->user_model->return_username($pheed->user_id);
$row['pheed'] = $pheed->pheed;
$row['datetime'] = $pheed->datetime;
$row['comments'] = $this->comment_model->count_comments($pheed->pheed_id);
$row['repheeds'] = $pheed->repheeds;
$row['owner'] = "yes";
}else {
$row['owner'] = "no";
if($pheed->avatar == 0)
$row['avatar_src'] = site_url().$this->site_config->get_setting_value('default_avatar_small');
}else {
$row['avatar_src'] = $pheed->avatar_small;
$pheeds[] = $row;
echo json_encode($pheeds);
} else {
$this->output->set_status_header('401',"Attempting Unauthorized Access");
這是太多的代碼,並且這個問題似乎不夠具體。你能否嘗試澄清並減少相關部分的代碼? –