如何移動。 Hek
public void moveHek(Hek hek) {
boolean moveMade = false;
while (moveMade != true) {
Random rand = new Random();
int newMove = rand.nextInt(8) + 1;
int x = hek.getMove();
int prevXPos = hek.getXPosition();
int prevYPos = hek.getYPosition();
if (x == 1) {
while(prevXPos > 0 && prevYPos > 0) { //this if while checks that Hek's position isn't located within the top row
hek.setPosition(prevXPos - 1, prevYPos - 1); //and he isn't positioned within the first column of the map
int newX = hek.getXPosition(); //and then moves Hek into the position that is diagonally left upwards to him.
int newY = hek.getYPosition();
this.addHek(hek, newX, newY);
moveMade = true;
} else if(x == 2) {
while (prevXPos > 0) { //this if while checks that Hek's position isn't located within the top row and then
hek.setPosition(prevXPos - 1, prevYPos); //moves Hek into the position that is directly above him.
int newX = hek.getXPosition();
int newY = hek.getYPosition();
this.addHek(hek, newX, newY);
moveMade = true;
} else if(x == 3) {
while (prevXPos > 0 && prevYPos < gameMap.length) { //this if while checks that Hek's position isn't located within the top row
hek.setPosition(prevXPos - 1, prevYPos + 1); //and he isn't positioned in the last column of the map, then moves him into the
int newX = hek.getXPosition(); //position that is diagonally right upwards to him.
int newY = hek.getYPosition();
this.addHek(hek, newX, newY);
moveMade = true;
} else if(x == 4) {
while (prevYPos > 0) { //this if while checks that Hek's position isn't located within the first column of the map and then
hek.setPosition(prevXPos, prevYPos + 1); //moves him into the position that is directly left.
int newX = hek.getXPosition();
int newY = hek.getYPosition();
this.addHek(hek, newX, newY);
moveMade = true;
} else if(x == 5) {
while (prevYPos < gameMap.length) { //this if while checks that Hek's position isn't located within the last column of the map and then
hek.setPosition(prevXPos, prevYPos - 1); //moves him into the position that is directly right.
int newX = hek.getXPosition();
int newY = hek.getYPosition();
this.addHek(hek, newX, newY);
moveMade = true;
} else if(x == 6) {
while (prevXPos < gameMap.length && prevYPos > 0) { //this if while checks that Hek's position isn't located within the last row of the map and
hek.setPosition(prevXPos + 1, prevYPos - 1); //that his position isn't located in the first column, then moves him into the position
int newX = hek.getXPosition(); //that is diagonally left downwards to him.
int newY = hek.getYPosition();
this.addHek(hek, newX, newY);
moveMade = true;
} else if(x == 7) {
while (prevXPos < gameMap.length) { //this if while checks that Hek's position isn't located within the last row of the map and then moves
hek.setPosition(prevXPos + 1, prevYPos); //him into the position directly below him.
int newX = hek.getXPosition();
int newY = hek.getYPosition();
this.addHek(hek, newX, newY);
moveMade = true;
} else if(x == 8) {
while (prevXPos < gameMap.length && prevYPos < gameMap.length) { //this if while checks that Hek's position isn't located within the last row
hek.setPosition(prevXPos + 1, prevYPos + 1); //and the last column of the map, then it moves him into the position that is diagonally
int newX = hek.getXPosition(); //right downwards to him.
int newY = hek.getYPosition();
this.addHek(hek, newX, newY);
moveMade = true;
任何幫助將不勝感激,正在發生的錯誤是java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -1
請註明至極線您的錯誤是。該錯誤是由該區域外的newX或newY引起的 – JFPicard