我有一個網頁,當我在遠程計算機上運行它,我得到的消息說,遠程錯誤cannot be viewed如何得到一條錯誤消息出來我的網頁
Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage • Most likely causes: • You are not connected to the Internet. • The website is encountering problems. • There might be a typing error in the address. What you can try: Check your Internet connection. Try visiting another website to make sure you are connected. Retype the address. Go back to the previous page.
我試着去IIS Mananger並右鍵單擊該網站並選擇瀏覽。但我的網站是HTTPS網站,因此無法使用。
這樣做。謝謝 – Vaccano 2010-06-16 20:48:35
@Vaccano檢查我的編輯,看看是否也解決了本地計算機上的IE不能顯示正確的錯誤信息的問題。另外我很高興另一種解決方案爲你工作。 – 2010-06-16 20:53:39