我正在python中構建一個hang子手遊戲,並且由於某種原因,當試圖通過函數def drawGameOver中的消息顯示遊戲時,出現以下錯誤:「'str'對象沒有屬性'render'」。我的代碼有什麼問題?我將如何去顯示屏幕底部中間的「遊戲結束」?我已經給出了我認爲是唯一相關的代碼。錯誤是針對直接在「#display遊戲結束消息」評論之下的行。謝謝!Python - pygame錯誤'str對象沒有屬性'render'
# this function draws the game over screen
def drawGameOver(screen, fontObj, gameOverMsg, secretWord):
# draw a filled rectangle
# draw a border rectangle
# display the game over message
overMsg = fontObj.render(gameOverMsg, True, (255,255,255),(0,0,0))
overRect = overMsg.get_rect()
# display the secret word
def main():
# initialize pygame
# create the screen
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((640,440))
# fill the screen w/ white
fontObj = pygame.font.SysFont('bookantiqua', 28, True, False)
# here is the magic: making the text input
# create an input with a max length of 45,
# and a red color and a prompt saying 'type here: '
txtbx = eztext.Input(x=0, y=350, color=(0,0,0), prompt='You entered: ')
# get the secret word
secretWord = getRandomWord(words)
#variables to hold the incorrect and correct letters
missedLetters = ""
correctLetters = ""
#gameoverMsg is initialized to be empty
gameOverMsg = "Game Over"
#game is not over yet
gameIsDone = False
添加您遇到錯誤的行號。 – Stuart 2014-11-03 18:13:06
這個錯誤幾乎意味着它說的是什麼;某處你實際上並沒有傳遞'Font.render()'返回的'pygame.Surface',你只是傳遞一個字符串。 – 2014-11-03 18:20:28