2015-12-24 22 views

我試圖編寫一個程序,其中計算機試圖猜測用戶選擇的數字(1 - 100)。我寫了大部分的程序,並且還製作了一個隨機數生成器。我現在唯一需要的是一種基於用戶的HIGH或LOW輸入將二進制搜索算法實現到我的程序中的方法。我讀過一些關於二分查找算法的知識,但我不確定如何在程序中使用它。有人能指出我正確的方向嗎?實現二進制搜索猜謎遊戲



#include <iostream> 
#include <ctime>//A user stated that using this piece of code would make a true randomization process. 
#include <cstdlib> 
#include <windows.h> 
using namespace std; 

int main() 
    int highLow; 
    int yesNo; 
    int ranNum; 

    ranNum = rand() % 100 + 1; 

    cout << "Please think of a number between 1-100. I'm going to try to guess it.\n"; 

    cout << "I'm going to make a guess. Is it "<< ranNum <<" (1 for yes and 2 for no)?\n"; 
    cin >> yesNo; 

    while (yesNo == 2) 
      cout << "Please tell me if my guess was higher or lower than your number\n"; 
      cout << "by inputting 3 for HIGHER and 4 for LOWER.\n"; 
      cin >> highLow; 

      if (highLow == 3) 
        cout << "Okay, so my guess was higher than your number. Let me try again.\n"; 
        _sleep (1500); 
        cout << "Was your number " << <<"? If yes, input 1. If not, input 2.\n";// I would like to find a way to implement the 
       //binary search algorithm in this line of code. 
        cin >> yesNo; 
      if (highLow == 4) 
        cout << "Okay, so my guess was lower than your number. Let me try again.\n"; 
        _sleep (1500); 
        cout << "Was your number " << <<"? If yes, input 1. If not, input 2.\n";// I would like to find a way to implement the 
       //binary search algorithm in this line of code. 
        cin >> yesNo; 
     if (yesNo == 1) 
      cout << "My guess was correct!\n"; 

您是否有二進制搜索功能?如果不是,你應該做的第一件事就是創建一個並在硬編碼輸入上測試它。一旦它正確測試出來,然後將其應用於更大的程序。 – PaulMcKenzie


歡迎來到StackOverflow。雖然你的問題無疑是有趣的,但SO不是一種代碼編寫服務。例如,您可以查詢現有的有缺陷的二分法搜索算法,以及各種各樣的API,但不能提出有爭論或長時間討論的問題。 SO也不是博客。 – SwiftArchitect



保持兩個整數bottomtoploop invariant是用戶的號碼在[bottom;最佳]。


要儘可能多地扔掉我們總能猜到的floor((bottom + top)/2)

爲了實現我們可以根據我們的新信息調整bottomtop。如果它太高,我們將top設置爲guess - 1。如果它太低,我們將bottom設置爲guess + 1

在最壞的情況下使用此策略,您只能猜測floor(log2(100)) = 6次。有1000個號碼可供選擇 - 9個猜測就足夠了。我們假設:50(高),25(高),12(高),6(高),3(高),1(低)。我們不會猜/要求用戶2,因爲我們已經100%確定它是2.