2013-10-30 139 views

我有存儲在本地存儲中的數據,我想將它拉入數組中。但沒有成功...... 正如您將在下面的代碼中看到的,我想CONSOLE.LOG數組,但它給我寫信:JQuery和Phonegap從本地存儲陣列中保存數據


Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected end of input index.html:204 (anonymous function) index.html:204 e.resolveWith jquery-1.6.min.js:16

e.extend.ready jquery-1.6.min.js:16 c.addEventListener.z jquery-1.6.min.js:16

cordova :: fired deviceready event! ripple.js:37

8 canvas not found!

這是我的本地存儲: enter image description here 這是代碼:

  $(function() { 
       window.localStorage.setItem('Sample block', '{"time":1383107260539,"counter":5}'); 

       track_items_for_chart = []; 

       for (i = 0; i < window.localStorage.length; i++) { 
        var key_name = (window.localStorage).key(i); 

        var time = (window.localStorage.getItem(key_name)); 
        time = (JSON.parse(time)).time; 
        var counter = jQuery.parseJSON(window.localStorage.getItem(key_name)).counter; 
        counter = JSON.parse(counter); 
        track_items_for_chart.push("{ date: " + time + ", km: " + counter + "},"); 


控制檯錯誤並沒有涉及到上面的代碼... –




// Converts a string from local storage to an array 
// to be used by program 
function convert_string_to_array (string) 

var array = string.split("^"); 
return array; 

// Converts array to string to be saved into local storage 

function convert_array_to_string (array) 

var string; 

for (var i = 0; i < array.length ; i++) 
if (string != undefined){ 
    string = string + "^" + array[i]; // 
    string = array[i]; 

return string; 

// Used to allow user to store a string 

function add_to_array(array,welcome) // simple function to add data to array 
array[array.length] = prompt(welcome); 

基本上,如果你有一個字符串數組如myStrings =「你好」,「你好」,「嘿,你好嗎」] 這將允許你存儲它的localStorage以備將來使用, 和它將以localStorage.myStrings = Hello^hi的形式存儲。嗨,你好嗎? 此外,如果您希望^是數據中的常見字符,只需將其更改爲上述函數中的任何內容即可。


要理解的主要事情是,只有字符串可以存儲在本地存儲,所以你必須將你的數據從字符串轉換爲數組,然後操縱它,然後將其轉換返回一個字符串再次存儲。 –